Old Love

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We arrived around midnight in France we drove to the boat. Vanessa was standing and smiling at us. I ran over to the boat and called my dad to hurry, my siblings are asleep by now. I entered the boat and hugged Vanessa before I went to the bedroom.
V=Hey you two I was missing you here.
J=I was missing you guys too so happy to be back how are the kiddos?
V=Great actually but Lily got the cold.
Johnny nodded his head. Johnny and Vanessa wmet to bed in their rooms while I was enjoying the air outside when I heard footsteps.
J=Kia? What are you doing up here? He said and sat next to me with a blanket.
M=I rally couldn't fall asleep I tried so hard I can't, its killing me Dad. He looked worried about me and put me on top of him so that my head was laying on his chest with the blanket over us.
D=You know that your mother won't reach out to you..
M=Yeah I know but I miss her so much. She said if I decide to get to you she won't ever have contact toi me again.
Johnny drew circles on my back. I fell asleep on my dad that night, I really needed my dad.
Vanessa came to us to wake us up while lily was feeling better and Jack decided to stay with his aunt.
V=Hey, have you slept here all night?
Johnny nodded and vanessa understood.
V=I made breakfast, come on you sleepy heads. Vanessa left but I didn't fell like getting up its comforting lying here with dad. Suddenly I started to cough my dad ran and got my inhaler and water while vanessa and lily walked to us.
L=Are you sick? Johnny looked at lily
J=No, actually she's in so much stress these days lily.
L=Like 5 years ago I don't want her to go back to the hospital, Dad.
Vanessa hugged  Lilly.
I was still coughing it got worse my dad decided to get me to the hospital but I refused.

I saw later with lily our dad and Vanessa sitting like this I took a picture and posted it on Instagram

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I saw later with lily our dad and Vanessa sitting like this I took a picture and posted it on Instagram. I wrote something under the picture "They not a couple but 14 years can't pull them apart, love you guys ❤️

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