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It had been a few days since our last adventure when Rose's phone rings

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It had been a few days since our last adventure when Rose's phone rings.

"Hey, mum." She answers.

There's a pause for a moment before she holds the phone out to me, "It's for you."

I take the phone from her, "Hi Jackie."
"Hi, sweetheart. I just wanted to tell you that you've got a wedding invite from someone named Juniper."
I perk up at the mention of her name, "She did? What's the date of the wedding?"

Rose looks at me curiously, I hold my hand up.

"July 22nd." She says.

"Thanks, I'll call her now." I hang up the phone before turning to where the Doctor lays, "Can you zap my phone now? I've got someone to call." I give Rose her phone and hand the Doctor mine.

He nods, taking the back of my phone off and zapping the battery with his sonic.

He hands my phone back and I dial Juni's number.

"Juniper speaking." She picks up.

"Juni! It's Abby, I got your wedding invite. I was calling to rsvp." I say.

"Abby? Oh my god, it's so good to hear from you! I can't wait to see you!" She tells me, "Are you bringing a plus one?"

I pause for a moment, "Can I call you back about that?"

"Sure thing, oh, and the dress code is pastel. Talk to you later." She hangs up.

I look at Rose and the Doctor.

"You got invited to a wedding?" Rose asks.

I nod, "Juniper, you remember me mentioning her, right Rose?"

She nods, "Yeah. What do you need to call her back about?"

"She asked if I was bringing a plus one. I didn't know what to tell her." I answer honestly.

Rose smiles as she looks between the Doctor and me, "Tell her you're bringing someone."

I immediately catch on and shake my head, mouthing the word 'no' at her.
Rose smirks, "I think you should go with her Doctor, I'm not feeling too well."
The Doctor pulls himself out from under the console and stands up, "Go where?"

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