Ladies night and Cam.

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I woke up to my doorbell constantly ringing. I got up and rushed down stairs when I flung open the door I saw my older brother Camron.

"Is the constant ringing of my door bell necessary?" I say with an attitude.

"Well good morning to you grumpy." He says and walks into my house

"What are you even doing here?" I say closing my door

"What I can't come see my baby sis..." he says and I cross my arms giving him a hard look

"Okay mom called me. She is worried about you and this whole Jensen, Chris love triangle." He says walking into my kitchen

"What! That woman. There is no love triangle!" I said and he opens my cabinet to grab a coffee cup

"Come on Ave. We saw the red carpet photos. You look cozy to both Jensen and Chris." He says and I hand him the coffee and he starts making us coffee

"Chris and I are complicated. I was going to give him another chance to be together then I thought there was another woman in his trailer after mine and Jensen's friend date." I say sitting in my chair at the kitchen island

"Who was the woman?" He asks

"It was his sister Shanna." I say and he laughs

"You though he was sleeping with some girl and it was his sister." He says laughing and I roll my eyes and giggle with him. "Well after you heard his sister what happened?"

"I ran." I said

"You ran!" He says laughing

"Cam it's not funny." I said rolling my eyes then I stood and shoved him "if you were in my position what would have you done?" I say and he hands me my coffee

"Okay I get it I would have freaked too." He says sitting next to me

"Chris also got so jealous because Jensen and I hung out." I say sipping my coffee

"Define hang out?" Cam asks

"He showed me his business he is fixing to open we ate dinner and then we walked downtown for a minute then he took me back to my trailer and that was it." I said

"Now I see. Jensen likes you... Chris can sense it. So he is being all defensive." Cam says

"Oh whatever I told Chris we are just friends. I mean Jensen has been so sweet to me here lately. Plus we did work together for years." I say and Cam stops me

"Ave. Do you like Jensen?" He asks me and I look at him

"Oh my god you do. You little player." Cam says not giving me time to answer

"I am not a player. I just thought maybe I should give Jensen a chance and now that Chris explain the thing with his sister and sends me these beautiful Lilys! Cam I don't know what to do." I say laying my head on the kitchen island

"I wish I knew what to tell you AJ. But all I can really say is follow your heart" Cam says

"Okay mom." I say rolling my eyes

"So I'm here for a couple of days what are we doing tonight." Cam asks and I laugh

"I plan on going out tonight with some of my girlfriends. Few people I work with and Andy." I say and his eyes lit up

"Andy as in your hot agent will be there? Can I come?" He asks me and I laugh getting up to put our cups in the dishwasher.

"Yes you can come to girls night." I say and I heard my door bell ring.

I walk over to my door and open the door to see Chris standing at my door with his sister Shanna...

"Long time no see girly!" She says and we hug!

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