Chapter 08

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"Alright guys, listen to me very carefully." It was Scoups, he stood infront of us while we paid all of our attention to him.

"It's gonna be a very long destination. We have to go through several places to reach Wonderland. We'll gonna go through nice places, spooky places and even dangerous places. During our way, I want all of you to help and remind each other to always be careful. We don't know what's gonna happen, it's better to not gonna let your guards off. Understand?" Scoups raised an eyebrow.

"Yes!!" All of them shouted.

"Now, I'm gonna check the things that we should bring along." Scoups said.




"In my bag!"

"Extra clothes?"

"Ten pieces altogether!"

"Sleeping mat?"

"Only nine of them."


"I'm holding it."

"Okay, that should be all." Scoups nodded his head.

"Since you're so good in reading map, Mingyu lead us the way." Scoups said to Mingyu who's now staring at the map.

We started our journey, or avdenture? Or.. Perilous journey? From what Mr. Snack explained yesterday, it seems merely impossible to reach Wonderland. From what I remember, we have to go through Spooky Land and that there's zombies and skeletons? I'm sure I'm gonna die right before we could even reach Wonderland.

"Stop frowning." Said Wonwoo.

"Huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned my head to left.

"Yeah.. What are you thinking about? Don't think too much! It'll make you lose your focus." It was Dokyeom who said it.

"Does all people from your world thinks a lot? We lost boys don't have a lot to worry and to think about." Seungkwan chimed in.

"I know right. It seems like living in your world requires a lot of thinking since we've been seeing you thinking a lot." Hoshi added as he piped in.

"That's because you lost boys have nothing to worry and care about aside having fun." I murmured to myself.

"Huh? What?"


"Tell us more about your world." Dokyeom said to me.

"Uhh.. There's nothing interesting to tell actually. Do you guys know cars? Does Neverland have cars?" I frowned.

"Huh? What's that?"

"Oh, I guess Neverland doesn't have a car. It is a vehicle used as a transportation. It helps you to reach your destination more faster than walking by riding the car. Well, with a driver obviously." I explained.

"Woah, such thing exists? That's cool!"

"If only Neverland have that thing called car, we wouldn't be walking by now and we could reach Wonderland in just one day." Jun nodded his head which baffled me.

"Wait, does that mean.. This journey will take more than one day?" I asked them as my body went rigid.

"Most probably." They shrugged.

Oh my god. I know there's a lot of places to go through but never even once I thought that it's gonna take more than one day to reach Wonderland! I just wanna go home as soon as possible.

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