Chapter 16

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Our long walk to Wonderland doesn't really feel like a long walk thanks to Hoshi, Seungkwan and Dokyeom who kept all of us entertained. I even talked to every each one of them about random stuffs, taking my chance to understand each of them a bit more.

It's been a day that we keep walking. Of course, we took rest too whenever we're tired. Just like now, we're taking a rest for a few minutes. Wonwoo's sitting on the log while reading my book. I'm just playing around with some of them and decided to rest and sit with Wonwoo.


"Hey, Youngbyul."

He keep reading while I'm watching the rest joking around and playing around and look! Both Hoshi and Dino are having a dance battle! The8 and Jun are joining them too while the rest are hyping them up. It's really funny to watch them having fun like that.

I just keep laughing watching them. When suddenly,

Wonwoo pecked my cheek.

I sat there and instantly stopped laughing, my body went rigid. My brain stopped functioning for a while. My heart pumping very quickly. My cheeks went boiling hot. No words could come out of my mouth.

"W-what was t-that for?" I asked while my voice was quavering.

I blushed.

"Affection." He laconically replied.

I was speechless. I know why I'm reacting this way, always reacting this way towards Wonwoo. I figured that I am actually developing feelings for him. I figured that I actually have been liking him all these time. I've fell in love before but this time, falling in love to Wonwoo hits different and feels different.

I love him.

But sadly, we can't be together.

I don't belong here.

I can't bring him to my world.

Wonwoo waved his hand right in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What were you thinking?" He tilted his head.


"Okay lost boys! And, Youngbyul obviously. We should get going by now." Said Scoups.

All of them followed Scoups and Mingyu who's currently leading the way. We both stood up and when Wonwoo was about to walk away I was quick enough to grab his wrist. He was confused by my sudden action.

I pecked his cheek.

I can see him blushing.

And I scooted next to both Hoshi and Dokyeom.

"Youngbyul! You should've join us dancing earlier!" Yelled Hoshi.

"Hahah, I can't dance. Even if you force me, I dance in a very awkward way." I whispered the last part.

"Nobody is a bad dancer." Muttered Dokyeom.

"I didn't say I am." I shrugged. Turning my head behind to look, Wonwoo is already looking at me. It suddenly feels awkward between us right now so I quickly turned my head back to the front.

I sighed.

Why did I even developed feelings for him? I wasn't supposed to grow feelings for him, it's only gonna hurt both me and Wonwoo. He's a lost boy who lives in Neverland. I'm a girl who lives in Earth. I can't stay in his world. He can't even step a foot in my world.

We both are far different.

"Woah! I can already see Wonderland from up here!" Dino shouted.

We all climbed the hill and once we've reached the top, just like what Dino said, we really could see Wonderland from here.

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