"It's Okay..." Chapter 1

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                                                                          3rd P.O.V

It was a brisk day and leaves were swaying peacefully in the nice, cool, crisp wind. There stood a girl in the middle of it, her hair ever so gently swaying among the delightful wind. Her name was (Y/N). On her waist was a pyro vision. No one really knew why she had gotten such a fierce vision. Pyro was considered the strongest, most destructive vision, and for people with a personality completely the opposite of hers.

 If anything, people thought she would have gotten an anemo vison instead. Of course, that was what immediately went through people's minds when they heard that she had gotten a vision and where quite shocked when they heard she had gotten a pyro vison. (Y/N) always thought that was sort of... dumb. She never really understood why people though it was strange that she had gotten a pyro vison and not anemo. For anyone can be who they want to be in life. No one really understood her, no one except Lumine.

 Lumine never judged her for her vision and always thought it was cool that she had gotten a pyro vision and said that she would have been better in pyro then anemo anyways. Lumine was a recent outlander who arrived from... the archons know where.

 Whenever (Y/N) Asked about her past, Lumine sweat dropped and sneakily brushed past the subject. "Oh well..." (Y/N) Thought. "People have their secrets... and I have mine." Ah yes, this beautiful girl who you thought would have a lovely past turns out to have... not such a lovely past. 

                                                                                   (Y/N) P.O.V Flashback

"Daddy? Where's Mommy? What's that big red thing that looks like it's destroying the house? Wait is it? It smells bad, almost like your underwear, except, your underwear is worse."

"Y-Your- (Sobs)

"Daddy?" (Y/N) Said and stop playing around. "Daddy, don't cry, I'm sure it's gonna be-"

I reached out my hand to touch his shoulder and comfort him

Before I could try to comfort him, he had slapped my had away with the back of his hand with the ring that he had on his ring finger from the marriage he had with my Mom, and he had slapped my hand rather harshly.

The impact had made me start to cry a little myself. And not because oh how hard he slapped my hand away which was really hard because it did leave quite the big bruise on me that would take probably a few week to heal, maybe even years.

But because he had never ever done anything like that to me... I felt... hurt... like I wanted to sit in the corner of my room and weep for days. What was this feeling? I ignored it, and focused back on Daddy.


Something that day clicked in him.

Something Bad.

                                                                                           End of Flashback

                                                                                             (Y/N) P.O.V

"(Y/NNNNNNNNNNN) HELOOOOOO ANYONE THERE?!" Lumine yelled in my ear.


I yelped and leaped up from my seat

"Heh, sorry" Lumine replied

I sighed and sat back down. Ignoring what just happened and focusing on a new subject. "So... how have your journey's been?" I asked Lumine. The sweet Lumine that I knew immediately turned into the (Y/N) Killing machine that looked mad as heck. "Wow there... haha... uhmmm" I said. 

"Yeah, let's just not talk about that subject"

 I heard a squeaky muffled voice. I turned to my head to the side. Paimon. She was sitting in the chair next to me stuffing herself with sticky honey roast. I always had my suspicions that the sweet little Paimon we knew was actually an ogre disguised as a fairy, but I'll investigate on that later.

"Lumine, you know if you ever need anyone to talk to, you can always come to me, right?" I said to Lumine. Completely ignoring the ogre's unforeseen comment.

Immediately, Lumine's expression changed back to the sweet caring Lumine I know and not the (Y/N) Killing machine.

"Yeah... I know... It's just..." Lumine's expressions then changed from a sweet one, to a sad, emotional one, then, she broke down crying. I immediately reached my hand over to comfort her.

 But as I was about to, memories of my Dad came back, slapping my hand away and leaving the bruise of me that I still have to this day... It was twelve years ago, I'm seventeen now, but I still have that big nasty bruise. Would Lumine do that to me? No! She wouldn't... She isn't like that... I quickly pushed my thoughts away and reached my hand and put it on Lumine's shoulder.

I wasn't one who really knew how to give out comforting words, but I guess I'll have to give it a shot. "Hey... It's gonna be alright, life is to short to cry over things that can change in the future. I'm sure whatever the problem is, it won't stop the great Lumine from going about and continuing her journey, but if you don't want to let out all the details, you don't have to, but just remember, I'll always be there for you."

The comforting words seemed to do the trick because Lumine then stopped crying and sniffled a little. "There, there." I said and patted her shoulder "T-Thank you, (Y/N), I'll never forget this. I have no idea how you always come up with these comforting words... but I like it." Lumine said. "You have no idea..." (Y/N) Thought. "No problem!" Now let's go out and kill some hilichurls! Maybe that'll get your mind off of some things." (Y/N) Yelled

"Haha, your way of getting things off your mind is really... fascinating, but, I'll give it a go!" Lumine replied.

"That's the spirit! Now, let's go!" I replied and leaped out of my seat and then ran off, leaving Lumine behind. "Hey! Wait up!" She yelled. And leaped out of her seat as well

Paimon didn't even realize we were leaving... She was to busy stuffing her face. Oh well, let's just leave that ogre behind for a little

"Haha! Can't catch me!" I yelled and broke into a sprint.

"Hey! No fair! You forgot about me!" I heard a squeaky voice say.

Aww man... I thought she was stuffing her face...

"Haha! Sorry Paimon!" I heard Lumine yell as she tried to catch up with me, but I just ran faster.

Moment's like these... I want them to last forever... but I know that won't be possible, so I may as well enjoy it while it lasts... Oh, how life can be so cruel...

Hi guys! This is my first Fanfic so please don't judge. I hope you enjoyed! If you did, you can also follow me and you can keep up with me for when I post the next chapter.

P.S. Sorry if It's a little too short by the way, I'll try to make the next chapter longer. Bye now!

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