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"Alessia Jane Matthews" Xenos text read "She's the last missing piece of our little Brady Bunch."

I slipped my phone into my pocket as I watched the man's car pull up into the drive way, no doubt wanting to start his shift early in order to earn some extra cash for that new baby of his.

He flipped the switch on throughout the workshop and when he spotted me leaning against a car, he took a step back, his face going from an olive complexion to ghost white in a matter of seconds.

"You..." he spluttered "What...how...why?"

"I hear congratulations are in order" I gave him a slow clap "A baby girl. Serina. Touching tribute by the way."

He straighten up, his pale complexion turning into a nice shade of red.

"She's my daughter" he growled, his eyes flashing "You can't have her."

"Now why does that sound so familiar?" I scratched my chin "I swear I've heard that exact line somewhere before."

He growled and took a step forward.

I straightened and he faltered mid-step.  

With a slow grin, I waved his concerns away "It's not her that I'm after."

"Than what do you want?" he body relaxed slightly, only for it to tense up the next moment at my following words.

"Your sister on the other hand..." I smiled "She's a little harder to get my hands on."

"What do you want with my sister?"

"That's my business." I picked up a flat wrench and measured the weight in my hands.

They just didn't make them like these anymore. 

Strong and dependable. 

What a shame.

"She is my business" he took a threatening step forward "She's my sister. You already took my cousin away from us. I won't let you take my sister away too."

"You don't have a choice" I shrugged "You can either willingly tell me where she is or I'll just have to ask that Mate of yours where I can find her."

Before I could even finish my sentence, a brown Wolf came at me and tossed me into the windshield of a 1967 Impala.

I laughed at the bite of pain it shot down my spine.

He jumped on the hood of the car and was just about to lunge at my head with his fangs when I snapped my fingers, transporting myself to the other side of the workshop.

I swiped my eyebrow with my thumb and was impressed to see a small amount of blood coating my finger.

"Only your namesake was able to land a punch hard enough to draw blood" I smiled "Consider me impressed Junior."

He growled at me and jumped off the car, running towards me at a high speed. 

 I snapped myself over to him and slammed the scruff of his neck down onto the concrete floor.

"Shift" I commanded him, pressing harder down on his neck "Now."

He shifted and I stood over him, pressing my boot into his now human neck.

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