T W E N T Y - N I N E

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"I don't know anything" Pandora bemoaned, struggling against her restraints "I barely even know about you. I stay away from anything related to my past life." 

"You think I'd buy that bullshit?" Zephyr snapped "If you had nothing to do with your old life then why did those runes lead us to you?" 

"I don't know" she groaned "But whatever this is, I want nothing to do with it." 

I gazed at her gauging her sincerity. 

From what I could tell, from her general confusion about what was happening, whatever she was telling us was the truth. 

She didn't know anything about what was going on. 

Something my Uncle voiced in the next moment. 

"Zephyr," he said quietly, his unusual serious tone making Zephyr glance at him "I don't think she knows anything." 

"Then why did the runes lead us to her?" He snapped, pointing at Pandora "If she wasn't involved in some way, then why is she here?" 

"Probably for the same reason we are" Uncle Ethan said "She's the last piece to the puzzle. She can inadvertently help us down the line." 

"I want nothing to do with whatever this is" Pandora growled, once again struggling with her restraints "I just want to go back to my bar and be left alone." 

Zephyr shot her a dirty look, yanking my Uncle by the arm and leading him out the door. 

Before he left completely, he shot Xenos a look "Watch her and report back to me." 

My Mate tipped his head in silent agreement at his cousin, turning his attention back to me and our captive. 


Our Captive...

I hit a new low and was so going to Hell for this. 

Pandora turned her dark pleading eyes on me, making my heart pang in guilt. 

"You have to understand that I'm not involve in whatever you think it is I'm involved in." 

I stayed silent, not knowing what to say to her. 

Xenos let out a small growl, moving closer to me, which had Pandora's eyes snapping to mine in shock. 

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