★Chapter 9★

195 11 5

I just really like-no, love this pic. All I can see is Bright with his In-laws and his lover. On his lover's graduation. Still can't move on, on this very important event to BrightWin and BrightWins💕. Again, Congratulations to our baby bunny Win🐰. Next destination, P'Bright's graduation 🌞




While we were walking I accidentally stumbled onto a guy.

"Oh! I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that." I said hurriedly.

" Oh, it's okay. It's also partly my fault. I didn't look where I was going" He said.

He was a little shorter than me but, has more muscles than me.

"Oh, wait! Aren't you guys the ones who had a fight with Sarawat and his friends?" He asked.

"Oh umm~, yeah we are those peoples. Why do you ask?" I asked.

"Well, I just wanna say that you guys are badass." He said while smiling.

"Oh really. Haha." I said awkwardly. I don't know why but he has a weird aura.

"Oh btw, my name is Mil. Nice to meet you." He said moving his hand forward.

"Oh umm~ yeah, nice to meet you too. I'm Tine, his Fong and the other one with the crutch is Ohm"

"Hi" Fong and Ohm said.

"Okay, see you around here, Tine" He said waving and then walking away.

"Is it just me or is he really weird?" I asked my two dumb friends.

"Yeah, I also felt that. He is kinda strange. I can't believe I'm saying this but, he's kinda stranger than Sarawat" Fong said.

"You guys don't know?! He is Mil a student in the Engr. department. There's a rumour that one night a student went with him home and the next day that student was never seen, again" Ohm said horrifyingly.


"Stop joking, Ohm. It's not funny." I said terrified.

"Who said I was joking. And besides like I said it was only a rumour." Ohm said calmly.

How the f**k is he calm saying that?! Anyways, I should just forget about what happened and focus about what's about going to happen.

Times  skip

"Heyyyy~ Over here, Tine" I heard someone called me. When I look where the voice came from, and it was Man. And he is with Boss and... Sarawat. Oh no! It's about to begin.

"Oh, haha. Hi guys. Umm~, what you doin'?" I asked nervously.

"What do you mean 'what you doin'?'. Did you forgot? Today is the day remember!" Man enthusiastically said.

"Oh, yeah! Haha, I almost forgot, haha. Thanks to you, Man, I remembered it" I nervously said.

" Almost forgot or you really meant to forget it? You know a deal is a deal, Tine" Sarawat said with a manly tone.

Dang! Even Sarawat's voice is handsome. Wait, WTH!? Did I just say Sarawat's voice is handsome?! Wth is wrong with me today.

"Of course I didn't forgot it. Why would I?" I said. "And oh, since today is the first day of my service, what do you want me to do?"

"Oh, umm. I want you to-"


Cliffhanger 😂. I always wanted to try that. Yk, making other people wait because, in my life I'm always the one who waits🥲. Okay, I'm getting emotional here😅. And oh, P'Mil's first appearance ya'll. Sorry for all P'Mil simps, I didn't mean to offend you. I just can't think of anything else for his character 😅.

I apologize for the late update. My place has no internet connection so we still have to climb a mountain and even if we did, the connection is still not strong enough for me to update 😅. I am not kidding 😔.

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