★Chapter 23★

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"We were... Childhood friends" I said with a nonchalant face.

"What?!" Tine said utterly confused. " That's impossible if we were, I would've remembered you. If we were then what happened why we separated? Why did you act like you don't know me at the university? "

" Sorry but I can't answer you that. Only your mom can. I can say it though only with your mother's permission " I said hanging my head down, not wanting to see his glaring eyes.

"First, I asked Man and Boss, and they said they can't say it only you can. Now you're saying you can't only mom. If mom doesn't answer me I'm really going to beat your a**, till you say something about it." Tine said irritated.

"Okay" I said still not wanting to look at him.

"Are you still really going to ignore me?" Tine asked annoyed by the way I behave." You do know that the end of the school year is still far, right? Are you like saying that the agreement is over? "

" Yes. For your safety and sanity, I'm going to ignore you till your mom says what happened and you going to ask me for what more happened." I said seriously.


Is this guy serious!?!! He's going to ignore me? Nuh-ah, I'm not going to let this Sarawat Guntithanon me. Who is he to do that.

" No way in hell I'm going to let you ignore me. " I yelled at him using the tone of authority.

" But, I'm just doing this for your-"I cut him off.

" For my what? Safety? Sanity? "I asked angrily." No way, if you want me to be safe and sane. You should do that. You should protect me to be safe, and take care of me to be sane. You're the only one I'm letting someone do that to me. If not you then I wouldn't let anyone other than you do that. " I said. So loud that I'm panting after I finished talking.

(Author: Did he just?... Yeah, I guess he did😏)

Sarawat didn't say anything. He just looked up to look at me then he started to smirk. Oh shit! What the hell did I just said there? I was not serious right? I should explain it to him before he misunderstands. But if I do he'll think I'm trying to deny it or maybe he'll say he didn't think such thing and I'm trying to prove something to him.

"You know what. Forget what I just said and drive me home. I'm already so tired." I said still embarrassed.

"Okay" Sarawat said still smirking. Ughhh, annoying guy.

At Tine's house

"Good night, Tine." Sarawat said as I got out of his car.

As I entered the house, I heard mom yell, "You don't understand, Type. Tine is not ready to know it yet."

"Mom, Tine needs to know. You saw the guy who took Tine to a party, right. It's obviously that kid that plays with Tine when they were younger. And the son of Mr. Guntithanon. " Type said with a concerned voice.

"What do I need to know? And how did you know Sarawat's father? " Tine asked confused. Looking at his mom and brother, who looked like they were caught red-handed.


I'm getting used to cliffhangers. And yeah, even I feel cliched by the plot. But, I'm still shocked I didn't make it very cringey. I never even thought there'll be angst in my story😅

Btw, sorry for having a very long gap every update. I'm just busy with school and all. There's a lot of projects, research and assignments. Hope y'all understand 🙏🏻❤️❤️.

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