{2} Welcome to the Salvatore School

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POV: Hope ⚜️
I was with Davina talking for hours until I looked down at my phone and noticed the time.
"Shit I need to get home. I have a plane to catch. I'm sorry Davina I have to leave you now." I say
She says bye and I give her a final hug goodbye before getting in my car and driving away trying not to cry. I get home and Rebekah helps me get my stuff into the car.
"Bye darling, I hope you make friends and learn to control the power you possess." Kol says giving you a hug goodbye.
"Bye Hope" Rebekah and Freya say together.
"I promise you. This is for the best" Freya says trying to prove her point to me.
I get into I car and drive away to the airport. I wish I could turn around and go back home but I know they will force me to go even if it means hurting me.
I arrive to mystic falls and get off the private plane regretting what will happen when I enter the doors of the Salvatore school. I get a cab from  the airport to the school, anxious about what will happen. What if people don't like me?
I arrive at the school and I see who I assume is the headmaster.
"Hello Hope. I'm Alaric Saltzman your headmaster but you can call me Doctor Saltzman" He says in a very serious tone
I roll my eyes and he leads me to his office.
"Welcome to the Salvatore school. My daughters will be giving you your tour later. You will have your own dorm and will take classes designed for both witches and Werewolfs" He says
With that two girls the same age walking in. One was blonde and the other was brunette. I guess they were Doctor Saltzman's daughters who were supposed to give me the tour.
"Welcome to the Salvatore School. We are your tour guides" the blonde girl says with a smile
"I'm Josie" the brunette states. There was something about this girt that caught my eye. She was stunning.
"I'm lizzie, Sisters"
"Fraternal. obvs." Lizzie says as I stop my self from saying, 'No shit"
They lead me out of the office as they say bye to there dad.
"The wolfs are pretty cliquey, They like to hang with their own. " Lizzie states as we walk into a busy hallway with lots of students rushing past us.
They take you into a long hallway with lots of rooms. You guessed that these are where the dorm are.
"This is the living quarters. You have your own room and ours is right next to yours" Josie says
"That's good to know" You response smirking at Josie.
"Now I have somewhere to be so I will let you get unpacked. Your stuff has already been put put in the room using magic." Josie says before walking away.
"Where is she going?" I ask curiously
"Ugh she is going to her girlfriend who I hate. I call her Satin."  She replies as my smile quickly fades away. She has a girlfriend!
"I'm going to go in my room. See you another time" I say as you unlock the dorm room and go inside letting the door close behind me.
I sigh as I unpack my suitcases into my new room.

POV: Josie 🧙‍♀️
I walk towards Penelope's room hoping she wouldn't be mad at me for canceling. I nock on her door but get no answer.
"Baby it's me, Josie" I say but before I could say anything else I here her say "shit! You need to hide"
I siphon magic from the wall and do a spell to undo the lock. I open the door to see Penelope half naked next to Jade who was my childhood crush.
"Penelope! What the hell. I thought you loved me" I say trying not to cry but I can't control it I burst crying.
Penelope walks up to me while saying, "Josie it's not what it looks like."
"It looks like you are having sex with Jade! Get away from me." I say.
"Jade is better at it than you" She says which makes me angry. 
I scream on the top of my lungs as magic flows out of me pushing the both of them against the wall."
I say, "Fuck you whore" before leaving the room.
I run into the hallway crying. I run towards my room but before I could make it to my room I bump into someone. I look up to see Hope looking at me sadly.
"Josie! what's wrong" She asks me sincerely
"N-nothing" I replied trying to stop crying.
"You can tell me anything luv"
"I caught my girlfriend... well now ex girlfriend cheating on me with my childhood crush" I say
"Oh luv i'm sorry. Come into my room,
we can talk in there." She says as she grabs my arm leading me into her room.
"Can we cuddled please" I ask with puppy dog eyes
She nods and we get under the sheets. "Lizzie was right about her she is Satin. I should have listened to her."
"Hey it's ok I think you should get some sleep luv"
She was right I had a long day I was exhausted. I fell asleep on Hopes shoulder. Hoping what I just saw was a nightmare rather than the truth.

POV: Hope ⚜️
She is so peaceful when she is asleep. I couldn't stop looking at her beautiful skin and brown perfect hair. I wish she was mine. But it's too early to do something about that wish. She is heartbroken and I need to be there for her until she is really. She turns me so on just by looking at her. I could feel myself getting hard as she laid asleep on top of me while she sleeps peacefully. I find my way of the bed and I grab a bottle of lotion on my bedside table and go to the bathroom. I need to relieve myself from the I sexual frustration this beautiful goddess has left me with. I put a silencing spell on the bathroom and take of my pants and boxers. I jerk of as I moan imagining Josie's had on my dick. The only thing is I would never tell her I had a dick. She would think of me as a abomination like how my father was though of by his dad when he became a hybrid. No one other than my family knows my problem. My best friend Davina doesn't even know.
I moaned as I relived myself until I came. I quickly cleaned myself up then went back to the bed and cuddled back into the position we were before.

I hope you like this chapter. This was so much fun to write. the next one will be out soon. Thank you for reading! XOXO 💋
Word count: 1159

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