{4} Party Time

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POV: Josie
There is a party at the old mill tonight and I was thinking about inviting Hope to join me. I don't know what makes me want her so bad. What makes me crave her. But I need to control my feelings. After the last class of the day I decided to put on a hot outfit and go to visit Hope. I put on a mini skirt that showed off my thighs and a crop top that shows lots of cleavage. As I am about to leave Lizzie walked in.
"Who are you trying to impress" Lizzie says jokingly.
"Umm... N-no one" I say laughing awkwardly
"I was joking but now you HAVE to tell me"
"You promised not to make fun of me" You say waiting for lizzie to reply.
"I promise"
"Fine! I like Hope and... this morning I accidentally kissed her"
"You kissed her!" She asked not believing what I just said.
"Yep and after I said sorry and ran out"
She bursts out laughing
"I told you not to laugh at me" I say angrily
She doesn't answer. She just keeps laughing at my embarrassment.
"Whatever I'm leaving" I say as I walk out the door.
"Have fun with Hope"
I walked into the hallway and nocked on Hopes door hopping she would open it. And she did! She was in the same outfit I saw her in this morning, sweats and a crop top.
"Hello Josie what are you doing here" She asked in her sweet quiet voice. She seemed nervous.
"Can I come in?" I question
She nodes as she moves to the side so I could come inside.
"How was your first day of classes?" I asked her
"It was good! I saw Satin today in Spells and Rituals. I had to try so hard not to kill her because I knew you wouldn't want me to." She replied to my question.
"Thank you. Anyways... There is a party at the old mill tonight. I was wondering if you wanted to go with me. My father is going out tonight so he won't know know about the party"
"Sure! I haven't been to a good party in a while"
"Yay! I thought you would have said no" I say
"I would never say no to a good party. I will meet you outside your dorm at 6"
"Ok see you then" I say and with that I leave her room and walk into the hallway smiling at what just happened.

POV: Hope ⚜️
Josie left my room as I stared at her ass underneath the short skirt. I know she was doing this on purpose. I felt myself getting hard underneath my sweatpants. She turns me soooo on. I don't know how, but she does. I can't let her know about "little Mikaelson" or she will think of me as a abomination. I need to look hot for this party. I put on some ripped jeans and a crop top and put on some makeup. I hoped she will wear what she was wearing before. It was HOT!
After I got ready I went over to Josie's doom like I told her I would do. I was a little early but I hope she doesn't mind. I nocked on her door and Lizzie answered it. I don't really like Liz but I have to learn to tolerate her if I want a chance with Josie.
"Hey Lizzie, Is Jo here" I ask not noticing I called her by a nickname.
"She is getting ready you can come in and wait for her" She says as she opens the door fully, letting me walk inside. I sit on one of the beds and wait. Within minutes Josie walked out of the bathroom hoter than ever.
"Hello beautiful, Are you ready to go" I ask
"Yep!"She replies
"You better not hurt my sisters feelings or you will have to deal with me. And I can be a raging bitch when I want to be" Lizzie states as we walk out the door.
Josie flips her sister off and I giggle
We walk outside of the school into the woods. Josie pulls out a bottle of whiskey. I never thought of Josie as a drinker.
"How about a little pregame" She asked
"You know what! Fuck it." I say grabbing the bottle and taking a swing. I felt the whiskey go down my throat. I haven't had alcohol in a while. I felt the burning sensation in my throat but I look another sip.
"We are getting close" She says
Moments latter I could start to hear the loud music and people screaming and singing. This party is going to be interesting.
I interlocked hands with Josie as we walk into the party.

POV: Josie
We had a few drinks and I could see Penelope Park the bitch with Jade. It made me want to throw up. Hope Could tell I was sad so she put her arm around me, pulling me closer to her.
"Fuck them. Let's have fun" She says making me smile.
I was with Hope for most of the night. We both had lots of alcohol. I was intoxicated by it. I was honestly so drunk that I was scared what I would do. I could also tell that Hope was as drunk as I was. I decided fuck it!
"Hey, would you like to dance with me?"
"Yeah, of course." She replied
Hope grabbed my hand and led me to the dance
floor. We started dancing and I got really into it.
It had been a few minutes when I threw my hands around Hope. I was stumbling a bit but didn't really care because I was having so much fun. I was smiling at Hope who was also looking like she was having a great time. Hope glanced at my lips and she started to lean in closer me. If that was even possible, We already close as possible. I was grinding on her as I swayed my hips back and forth hoping to tease her. She smirks at me and I thought fuck it why not? I leaned in and our lips met in a kiss that was full of warmth and was amazing. I melted into the kiss and grabbed Hopes ass. She moaned into my mouth, which gave me the perfect opportunity to slip my tongue into her mouth. Hope pulled me deeper into the forest and I started taking off her top. Hope ripped my dress over my head. Hope stared at my body in my bra and panties. She pulls me back in for another kiss. We started making out passionately. Hope disconnected our lips and started leaving kisses on my neck. She sucked leaving hickeys on my neck. I reach down to pull of her jeans but She stops me and pushed me away.
"Josie I can't do this. I'm not ready." She say as she started crying.
"It's ok Hope we can take things slow" She smiled at my statement and hugged me.

POV: Hope
I was giving Josie hickeys along her neck. It was amazing. I was so horny but that was when she reached for my pants and was about to pull them off but I pushed her away. She can't find out! She would be disgusted with me.
I started crying and decided to say, "Josie I can't do this. I'm not ready."
"It's ok Hope we can take things slow" She said and I smiled and gave her a hug.
"I'm going to go. I need to be by myself" I say
"Oh ok, I will see you tomorrow"
"Yea" I ran deep into the woods, where no one could find me. I need to wolf out. I was so stressed with everything going on. I start to feel my bones starting to break. Within minutes I was in my wolf form. I was white with a little bit of gray. I ran in the woods. I loved being in my wolf form. I feel so free.
I really like Josie but I fucked it up today. She must think i'm a pussy for not being able to sleep with her. I wish I could just tell her the truth but I don't trust her just yet. I honestly don't trust anyone. After my parents and uncle died I have always been to scared to get close with anyone because i'm scared they will die on me just like my parents did.
At one point after running in the woods for hours I got tired so I turned back and put on an oversized hoodie that went to my thighs. I hope no one is awake because I am half naked.

I hope you like this part. It is a little horny but I hope you enjoyed reading. Then next part will be out soon. I love you all! XOXO
Word count: 1497

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