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The three of you woke up to knocking at Jacoby's room door. "You guys, wake up! I made breakfast!!" Yaina said behind the door. She said it in a sweet voice and it had no malice or anger behind it. It was genuine.

Jacoby opened his eyes to see both you and Connie cuddling him. He was confused for a second until he checked under the covers. "Oh." He said before closing his eyes again. It wasn't nothing new, he woke up many mornings to sights like these.

Usually he would have gotten out of bed quietly and washed up before waking the person up, telling them good morning, feeding them, then slowly pushing them out of the house.

But it's you two so he snuggled you both a little more as he slowly drifted off. But then he heard another knock on his door. As much as he wanted to he couldn't go back to sleep. He gave himself a note to self: Next time have Yaina out of the house.

He put on some pants and opened the door. He closed the door behind him as he saw Yaina in the kitchen. Yaina turned around as he approached. "Good morning, I made you guys breakfast!" She said as she began to set the plates on the island for him, you, and Connie. She looked behind Jacoby and looked for you and Connie. "Are they getting up?" She asked.

Jacoby went into the kitchen and got 3 cool water bottles out of the fridge. "Yeah, Ima go wake them now. We'll be out soon." He said plainly. Yoshii looked at Yolanda as Yolanda's crossed her arms and gave a death glare towards Jacoby. They still hadn't had that talk. Monte lied next to Yolanda, half asleep. Tyler was passed out, snoring loud as hell. Yaina continued to fix everybody's so they could all eat together.

You woke up with your back turned to Connie. You could barely remember what happened last night, all you remembered was that you were at Jacoby's house and it was game night. You didn't remember what game it was, you didn't remember how you ended up getting into Jacoby's bed but you were fine. As long as it was Jacoby's house, you were safe.

You felt a hand wrap around your waist. Jah does that all the time so you didn't think too much of it. You'd usually kick or slap him to get him away from you but for some reason your body was sore so you didn't feel like moving. Plus your head was throbbing so you just closed your eyes again, staying conscious until you were ready to get up.

You heard Jacoby's room door open, and you thought it'd be like Yolanda coming to wake you up. But Jacoby walked in quietly, making sure to be careful with the door behind him. You arched your brow. Maybe it was Yolanda who was wrapped around you like this? You didn't care enough to check.

Jacoby put the water bottles down on his nightstand and sat on the bed next to you. "N/N, wake up baby." He said as he shook your shoulder. You slapped his hand outta habit. "I'm up. Pills..." you murmured as you rubbed your nose, still not opening your eyes. He handed you some water and Advil and went to the other side of you with the other water bottle.

"Connie, get up." He said shaking him. You didn't register that he said Connie's name until you open the bottle cap of the water. Your eyes widened as you turned to the other side. Connie was laid up on you, naked.

You checked under the covers with urgency. NAKED. You snapped your head at Jah. Hickeys everywhere. You slapped your hand over your mouth as soon as you remembered what happened last night. Dirty Truth, Dare, or Drink. The return of Yaina. You still being pissed at Jacoby.

Connie's eyes opened to the sight of your breasts in his face. He slowly looked up at you to make eye contact. He blinked a couple of times before sitting up. He looked to the other side to see Jah waiting for him to take the water and pills outta his hand. He whispered a small thank you before looking between the both of you.

You crept back under the covers in shame and covered your head. "Come on, Yaina made us breakfast, we gotta eat before it gets cold." Jah said reaching over Connie to tug at you. As Connie examined Jah's body he remembered what he did last night. His eyes widened and his face became flushed as he slowly hid back under the covers.

Killing Me Softly (BLACK Connie X Fem Black Reader X Black MALE OC)Where stories live. Discover now