Not so Distant Past.

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Narrator POV:

Yaina parked her car in the apartment garage and got out. She looked at her phone. It was 3:20. He said he would meet with her at 3:30 but she came a bit earlier just so he couldn't say she wasn't serious about this.

She scrolled through her phone, stalking Jacoby's Instagram which were full of pictures of you and Connie as Connie recovered. She kept Eugene and Jacoby in mind as a black Mercedes pulled up right next to her and rolled down the window.

It was Jaylen.

"Get in, we don't need nobody accidentally seeing you." He said as he rolled back up his window and unlocked his doors. Yaina sucked her teeth and reluctantly got into the car.

Jaylens car was fully tinted and he turned off his car and put the windshield cover up so no one could see them face value. Yaina rolled her eyes. "Aren't you doing a little too much? Ian think us meeting would ever be that serious." She said crossing her arms. Jaylen finished and sat back. "Until someone who knows them sees us together and tells them." He replies. Yaina gave a look.

"Jaylen, what the fuck are you talking about? Ain't this your hood? What the hell you worried for?" She retorted. Jaylen was being irrational and that just irritated Yaina because making it more than what it is usually escalates it into more than what it is. (Like she should talk 😒)

Jaylen rolls his eyes. "Better safe than sorry. Unlike you, I haven't been to jail yet. How was that, by the way?" He asked in a sarcastic tone, smirking a little. Yaina took a deep breath and decided to keep it somewhat cool. "What did you call me for, Jaylen?" she said in an annoyed tone.

"You're filling for custody of your son, right?" He asked her, taking his seatbelt off. She raised a brow suspiciously, knowing she told a very small group about this. But then again, their past is connected, so old friends are bout to talk.

"Yessss... why?" She asked, crossing her legs and arms. She wanted Jaylen to know to be very careful with the line he choses to cross. He opened his side compartment to give her a business card of a lawyer. "Call her and tell her I sent you. She'll win the case." He said. Yaina looked down at the cars and back up at Jaylen. Now she was really suspicious.

"What do you need from me? We aren't exactly friends so what's the deal?" She said, not giving the card another look until he told her what's up. "I need a key to Y/N's place."

Later at Connie's Physical Therapy

You and Jacoby watch as Connie is working on walking. He's getting better, slowly but surely, and it shows every-time y'all go with him to the appointments. You barely get to go with him to them though, since you basically took on Connie's workload due to you being his fill in.

You had been getting better and better at racing, partially due to Eren and Yoshii's spin on good cop, bad cop. Eren was just an ass to you, burnt you out, you'd sit, get your thoughts together and process his criticism, then go learn it again but with Yoshii and that system seemed to work for you.

Physically, Connie was peaking. But mentally and emotionally, he just couldn't put his finger on who y'all were to him. He can't remember why he started racing, he can't remember why you we're living there with him in the first place, and he can't remember why he's letting you of all the peoples he had trained to take his place. Jacoby interrupted your thoughts with a tap on the shoulder.

"You got the locks to your crib changed? I saw the notification on Connie's phone, and Connie said he doesn't remember why he got them changed for you." Jacoby asked, genuinely curious. You had honestly forgot that you got them changed and go back home whenever you wanted to. You loved living here with Jah and Connie but you also loved your own space as well. "Oh yeah... he did get them changed for me." You said. Jacoby raised a brow.

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