For When it Hurts. I Love You -Connie pt.2

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The morning you got up, you were alone in your bed. You had to be up earlier than Jah and Connie had to wake up around the same time as Jah so he could help him get ready. You decided to spend the night in your room.

You left Eugene with Yolanda even though Yaina came back to see the last race. Y'all had an argument, saying that you wouldn't leave him with someone you're not sure is going to be there if something were to go wrong and Jacoby agreed. Yaina didn't want to argue with you so she complied, as long as she would get to go with Yolanda and Eugene. Yolanda didn't mind.

You woke up and got ready in a rush, Levi wanted y'all there early to give you a talk addressing the stakes in this race. All the racers would need to get in early, especially you.

When you got there, you were dressed in the usual pit crew outfit. Levi looked at you and beckoned you over. He gave your racing uniform and told you to put it on. He said after that to get the extra car out of our teams garage and have it on standby.

After you did all that, you asked him why was all of this needed now. He gathered the pit crew around to give the tea about what's happening out on the track with the racers.

"This morning, all the racers joined each other in a pre race breakfast/meeting. They usually do that in the last race to showcase good sportsmanship and promote the event. Things unfortunately good heated. Connie got into it with an old rival, Toni Merchant, and things got physical. Because Jacoby stepped in, Connie is still allowed to race, but so is Toni. Jacoby is not allowed on the track." He said. You raised a brow. What...

Levi continued. "Things are bound to get rough out there, there are rumors that Toni and the rest of his allies will be targeting our racers, trying to put them out of commission. The company will not listen to us, to put Toni out of the race due to the rumors. So, Y/N..."

Your head perked up.

"Connie told us to put you on immediate standby. Most likely no one will get hurt but you can only drive the car registered to you. The backup car was registered under your name." He said.

He clapped his hands, signaling everybody to get back to work. Your heart dropped to your ass. He came to you and whispered something in your ear.

"The boys wants you to take out their breaks. They want the weight of the car to be less. But don't do it, I got a better idea." Levi whispered as he continued to tell you. You worked on the plan in silence.

As y'all got out there, and continued your work, you saw Jah and Connie. They were faced towards eachother, doing a lot a movement, looked like they were arguing. You walked towards him.

"Connie, get out of the race, this easily could turn into more than getting you out of the race." Jacoby said. "No!" Connie yelled. "He's not that good, he not gon be able to catch up to me

Connie's eyes widened. Then his brows furrowed. "You're doing too much. I worked hard to get here and I've been wanting this for my whole life. This opportunity ONLY COMES ONCE IN A MUTHAFUCKIN LIFE TIME. IF THEY WANT IT, THEY GOTTA PRY IT FROM MY DEAD HANDS." Connie yelled. Jacoby slapped the fuck out of Connie.

Your eyes widened and you ran up to them. "YO, STOP, calm down and talk." You said, pulling on Jacoby. Now you wasn't gon get in between them but you wasn't just gon let them fight like that. Connie clenched his jaw and fists and nodded his head. Jacoby looked to him.

"Don't say that shit to me. Don't ever say that shit to me." Jacoby said, his fists shaking. Connie wiped his nose and walked away. He was racing and neither you or Jah could stop him.

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