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You drove around hectic like, driving into the nighttime. Around 8, you're getting texts from Connie asking where you are and Eugene, leaving you voicemails. Yolanda kept calling you, over and over again and you eventually blocked her from calling your phone. You were in a state of panic, having to pull over in the middle of nowhere, just to calm down.

Your phone had died. You were almost out of gas. You weren't near any city or town. Rural Florida always kinda scared you. You checked the time in your car. It was 12:00. And you knew they were starting to get worried now. You drove to the first truck stop you could find. You had some money left in your car. $60 was enough to get home. You also bought a portable charger. Let them know that you were safe and on your way back.

As you waited for your car to fill up and your phone to charge, a truck driver came up to you. "Hey ma'am, you dropped your car keys on the floor. Can't leave em behind, ya know?" You looked at him suspiciously. You checked your bag for your keys. They really weren't there. You hesitantly got out of your car and grabbed the keys out of his hand, murmuring a small thank you, before get back into your car.

The truck driver gave you a worried look. "I'm sorry to ask, are you ok missy? You looked a little spooked. Are you with anybody?" You closed your car door and locked it. "Why are you asking me so many questions, you gave me my keys, go on with your life." You said.

The truck driver backed away from the car. "I don't mean to make you uncomfortable ma'am. I apologize. I just think if you go home like that, you might not make it... you look extremely tired." He said.

You took a better look at him. White man. Ginger. Freckles. Looks like a damn lumberjack. Whole bunch of tattoos. But the first red flag was white man. "No thanks." You said grabbing a gun from your back seat before you opened the car door and took the pump out of the car. You got back in the car and started the car.

The trucker tipped his hat and walked away. As you pulled out of the driveway you decided maybe the trucker was right. You went back in, parked in the driver's seat, put your gun right next to you and put your chair back. You had no money left for food but your phone had Apple Pay so you'd be able to get food tomorrow.

Your phone turned on. 20 missed calls and counting plus 100+ messages from Connie. Yaina called a couple times. Jacoby left you about 250+ messages and a couple of calls. Even Yoshii heard the news and called you a couple times too.

A message you got from Eugene caught your attention though. You assumed that nobody told him that you went missing but you saw his messages, and it stuck out to you about what him and Jah talked about.

... you're never going to lose me.
You'll always be my mom...

Jah defended you. He understood. You looked at Jah's messages. A couple messages stuck out to you.

I know you probably won't come back tonight
But call me if you're scared.
And stay safe.

... I love you.

You immediately put your phone down after that. You put the AC on in your car, grabbed a little jacket out of the back and put it on. It was Connie's, he probably left it in there. After 20 minutes, in regular Florida's fashion, it began to rain really hard. You looked back on your phone. You could check the messages but you had no service.

Baby can you send me your location?
I would like to know at least where you are at...

Killing Me Softly (BLACK Connie X Fem Black Reader X Black MALE OC)Where stories live. Discover now