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I pace back and forth in front of Marji's door, trying to find the words to say to her. I can hear her crying and I know she's afraid. That damned creature is after her again. I wish I could just kill the thing. As I'm about to knock on the door I hear something approach the castle. "A visitor?" I wonder aloud. I walk to the front doors and open them. On the other side is a man. He's not very tall but handsome none the less. I watch him curiously as a friendly smile plays across his face. "Hi~" he says. "Hello~" I answer. Immediately I'm a bit put off by his familiarity. After all, I am a princess. No one has dared to speak to me so commonly. We eyed each other silently for a moment then he finally spoke again. "Where is the princess?" He asked. "which princess?" I asked in return. He frowned and furrowed his brow. "Princess Monai" he said with a scoff. I lowered my eyes at him and almost growled. "What do you want with her?" I asked. He smiled obviously enjoying the reaction he got out of me. "That is none of your business" he said while walking past me and into the great hall. I turned around and waved my hands calling the spirit guards out of their hiding places. They leapt out of the walls and charged at him. Before I knew it he drew his sword and swung at them. Causing them to disappear into a burst of air.

"You have an ivory sword?, I asked in disbelief, but how.. there were only~" "5 ever made and only 2 left in existence" he interrupted. "So how did you get your hands on one?" I asked with folded arms. I looked at him up and down noticing his simple clothes and worn in shoes. "When the swords were made they were scattered to different kingdoms, I continued, each given to a royal family to protect." "and that is why I am here, he said, Your princess is the last of the royal family from this kingdom therefore she is the last protector of her family's sword. I have the other four. I just need hers."

"How the hell did you even get those?" I asked. He smirked. "The other three families were annihilated by The Shadow Demon. I need the fifth sword to complete the weapon needed to destroy him. Now where is the princess?"

"Why should I let you see her?, I asked, Some strange man shows up on our doorstep talking about some 'Shadow Demon' that I have never heard of,wants to take our families most prized possession, and I should just hand the princess over to you?"

"Well~ he said with a chuckle, when you put it that way, I guess I understand but I'm not here to take your princess. I'm here for the sword and I'm not a strange man. I'm a prince."

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