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We sat on the floor outside of the secret room as I began to tell our story. "I lied to you when I told you that I had never heard of The Shadow Demon, I began, many years ago. He came to our kingdom but we did not know his true form. The people welcomed him with open arms and he was a friend to the princess. Then one day he went out into the village and attacked. He slaughtered people left and right and they cried out for help. The princess could not stand to see her people dying in the streets so she took the sword and went out with her army. The battle went by quickly. Our forces were defeated almost instantly. The princess had no choice but to retreat in order to protect the sword. She could not let him get his hands on it. So, she returned to the castle, deeply wounded and ridden with guilt. She put a spell on herself that would send herself and the entire surviving kingdom into a deep slumber. Her soldiers all returned home to the castle to protect her even in death. She then locked herself in this room which could never be opened by anyone or anything that did not possess the keys." "Where are the keys?" He asked. I looked at him in disbelief. "i just told you about how the princess sacrificed the rest of her life to protect this kingdom and that sword and all you care about is finding the keys?!" I yelled. "Don't think that I don't care because I don't always react. What she did was very noble, but am I going to throw her a parade? No, not now maybe later after she helps me destroy the demon." He said.

"Why do you need her help?" Marji asked speaking up for the first time since I found them up here. "She is the only person to have ever survived battle with the demon. She may be asleep now,but she is still alive." I nodded. "I see your point but we can't let her out yet." I said. "Why not?" He asked. I looked over at Marji. "The Princess' body may be healed by now but her spirit is still broken." He stared at us both for a moment then stood up. "Now I understand what you meant by saying you are her. You really meant that you ARE her. The two of you are pieces of her spirit, and if I'm correct that means that thing out there is too."

The prince grabbed marji's hand and bolted down the stairs before I could even realize what was going on. I chased after them but he was too fast, they were already out of the door by the time I got to the bottom of the steps. I pushed as hard as I could to get across the garden to them but it was too late. He was already shouting. "Hey!, he yelled, Come out here!" It was silent except for Marji's sobs. She was trying to pull away from him but he had a very strong grip on her. "Let her go, I said, let her go it's too much." "She has to do this, he said, its the only way." "HEY!!!, he began screaming again, get out here! What are you scared? You only like to pick on Marji huh? Is that cause you know she won't fight back? You coward get out here and face me."

The ground began to shake and water bubbled out of the well as the creature emerged. Marji doubled over in fear, crying uncontrollably as the creature stepped out of the well. "Marji~, it said, I've been waiting for you." Just like Marji and I it was also identical to the princess. The three of us having the same origin. It smiled at her with rotten teeth. Its skin had a green tint and its hair stood on end and its eyes looked hollow. It was nothing but evil and it wanted Marji.

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