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I watched terrified as the creature attacked Maddie. She was defenseless and stupid me was standing here crying. I knew that I had the power and the will to defeat the monster but I didn't have the strength. "You going to stand there and watch this?, the prince asked through clenched teeth, are you gonna watch her die because you're a coward?" I shook my head. "Do you love her Marji?, he asked, Do you love yourself?" "Yes~" I said quietly. "Then you better fight for yourself, he said, you cant let that thing control your life and steal your happiness."

I lowered my head and pondered his words for a moment. Was it really that easy? Could I really be the maker of my own happiness? I was broken from my thoughts when I heard Maddie cry out. The prince let go of me and went after the creature. He kicked it in the side and it rolled off of Maddie. It hissed at him and got up with it's black eyes sparkling. He drew his sword and swung at it. The creature made an ear splitting screech as the sword sliced its skin. It lunged at him and he sliced it again. It reached out and grabbed at his face jumping while trying to claw at him. The prince backed up and she lunged forward again knocking them both into the well. "No~~!!" Maddie and I screamed in unison. "Marji, she said, you cant let her take him. You have to fight it." I nodded and for the first time in my existence I did something brave. I jumped into the well. I slipped through the air and hit the water quickly. My body passed through some sort of threshold and the water disappeared. In a few seconds I landed on a floor. There was a room at the bottom of the well. It must be where the creature actually lives. It was dimly lit and cluttered. I saw no signs of either one of them. Then suddenly I heard breathing. The prince was on the floor in a corner. He had been stabbed and was bleeding badly. "Prince Claude~, I exclaimed, are you okay?!" "I'm alright, he said through clenched teeth, I'll be fine." I put my hand over his wound and began to heal it when he shouted "look out!" He grabbed his sword and slashed the creature in the face as it tried to grab me from behind. It backed up and toppled over for a moment. "Hey, he said, look at me. You can do this. Don't be afraid okay?" I nodded. Even if I didn't believe myself, I believed him. I stood up and picked up the sword. Facing the creature on my own was terrifying but I refused to go down without a fight. Not this time.

It stood up and smiled at me. "Glad you could make it to the party Marji, it said, I was just about to get cozy with your little boyfriend over there." "Shut up~" I said. It laughed. "You think you're strong now?, it taunted, I OWN you little girl. You're mine!" "No you don't!, I yelled while clutching the sword tighter, you dont own me! You're nothing to me!" It cocked its head to the side and smiled at me even wider. I couldn't take it anymore and swung the sword at it. It was heavy and i missed. The creature bursted into laughter. I held the sword in front of me awkwardly and closed my eyes as it lunged at me. I fell backward onto the floor next to the bleeding prince and the creature loomed over us like the demon it was. "Stupid girl, it said, like I said.. I own you. You will fear me for the rest of your life. You will never be free. No matter where you go or what you do I'll always be right there beside you making your life a living hell. You will have no happiness, you will have no peace. There is only darkness and disparity for you and when I kill him and Maddie you will have no one. There is no hope." Tears ran down my face as it's words sank in. I was ready to give up when the prince spoke to me. "It doesn't have to be that way if you don't want it to be. You can control your own destiny. No one and espcially not this thing can dictate that for you. Take control Marji" he said. I opened my eyes and looked into the creature's. It's wicked smile still on it's face as I plunged the sword upward and into it's heart. It shrieked and cried and even tried to pull the sword out but I held it still. "Enough, I said with a tired voice, I've had enough of you torturing me. I've had enough of you abusing me,controlling me, and stealing every speck of happiness that I've ever even had the hope to have. I am tired of living in fear of you ruining things for me.You will no longer steal my joy or cause me any pain. You're dead!"

The creature's body shook. It was still fighting to live. It's mouth opened but only grunts and gasps came out. The prince stood up and raised his foot. I watched as he stepped on its back pushed it further onto the sword causing the sword to go through the creatures back. It made one final grunt before bursting into ashes. I stood up and finished healing the prince's wound. He put his arm around me and kissed my forehead. "I'm proud of you, he said with a chuckle, it takes alot of courage to defeat yourself." For the first time in a long time I smiled back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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