Chapter 9

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The next day Hope finally built up the courage to finally face the blonde so she got in her car and made her way to various food places buying some of the blonde's favorite foods along with some foods for the brunette that she had been telling Hope she was craving.

When Josie heard a knock at the door she immediately opened it seeing the nervous auburn standing behind it with an arm full of food.

"Lizzie is out with MG," Josie said which caused the auburn to visibly relax.

Josie stepped out of the way to let the shorter girl walk in.

When she walked in she immediately set the food down on the counter and grabbed the Chinese food she had bought for Josie and turned toward the taller girl.

"Oh my god this place is like a three-hour drive why did you go out of your way?" Josie said taking the food.

"You're worth it," Hope said which immediately made the brunette blush.

When the brunette got a good look at Hope's face her eyebrows furrowed.

"Did Lizzie do this?" she said setting the food down and gently touching the bruise that was forming under Hope's eye.

Hope winced at the contact "yeah but it's fine" she said.

"No, it's not let me get you an ice pack... go sit on the couch" Josie pointed before making her way to the fridge and grabbing a bag of peas.

Josie made her way over to the couch and sat down next to the auburn and slowly brought the bag of peas to the girl's face.

"Do you want to watch a Disney movie?" Josie tilted her head in a way Hope thought was adorable.

"A Disney movie? what are we five?" Hope joked.

"Disney movies always make me feel better when I'm hurt" Josie pouted. 

Hope used her thumb to smooth out Josie's pout "I would love to watch Disney movies with you" Hope smiled.

Josie beamed and immediately turned on Disney plus picking out a classic 'the beauty and the beast.'

As they got settled back and watched the movie Josie grabbed her Lo Mein noodles and started eating them and occasionally would turn and feed Hope some.

Halfway through the movie, Josie had found herself cuddling into Hope who happily put her arm around Josie and brought her in as close as possible.

Having Josie this close felt amazing to Hope she wanted it to be like this all the time. To have the brunette in her arms to smell the amazing smell that is Josie's perfume to just have her near.

As if the universe hates Hope's happiness Lizzie Saltzman walked through the door with shopping bags.

"Josie I found these cute-" Lizzie stopped talking when she saw Hope.

"You do realize I have access to sharp knives three inches from me."

"There will be no cutting of any penis today" Josie stood up "Hope is here to talk to you."

Hope quickly nodded agreeing with what the brunette was saying.

The blonde rolled her eyes "go on" she gestured for them to continue.

"Well firstly I got you some of your favorite foods and snack" she pointed to the counter behind her.

"If this is you trying to bribe me-"

"No! I just wanted to be nice" Hope sighed and stood up.

"I just wanted to let you know that I would always be here for Josie emotionally, Physically, and financially I will take care of them... and I wanted to apologize for going against what you asked it was wrong of me and I hope you can forgive me one day," Hope said looking down.

Lizzie just stood there with her arms crossed "so are you two together?"

"What," Hope asks her eyes widened.

"Well you two are having babies are you going to be together?"

"Uh- we were just gonna co-parent..." Hope said rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.

"And not everyone person that has a baby has to be together Lizzie" Josie pointed out.

"Whatever you two look so whipped for each other I was just asking," Lizzie said taking the food Hope got her off the counter.

"We- do not-" Josie stammered.

"Yeah okay, and Mikaelson just because I'm taking this doesn't mean you are on my good side," Lizzie said taking a french fry out of the bag and stuffing it in her mouth while walking out of the living room and into her room.

"Well, that went better than I expected..." Hope said slowly.

"Good things can be civil and I won't be stressed out" Josie sighed and leaned back.

"Now I just have to find a way to tell my family..."

"You haven't told them yet?" Josie raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I was going to tell them the day Lizzie caught us... doing um... yeah..." Hope trailed off.

"Oh... okay... well I can be there if you want me to" Josie offered.

"I'm probably going to make a trip up to New Orleans this weekend to tell them it doesn't seem right doing it over the phone... but if you can take time off work then I'd love to have you."

"I'm actually off for the rest of this week so just book the flights and I'm there," Josie said.

A day later Hope had booked them both a flight to New Orleans they where probably going to stay two days so Hope held off in booking their return flights.

"You scared to tell them?" Josie said as Hope picked up her suitcase and started carrying it into the airport.

"Yeah... i feel like they are going to yell at me" Hope frowned.

Josie giggled "well if they do you can come cry in my arms okay?"

"Wow you are so comforting Josie Saltzman."

"I try" Josie said with a grin as Hope set their suitcases on the baggage carousel that would be putting the luggage into the plane.

When they where done they both walked up to the flight attendant and gave their tickets before walking onto the plane.

Hope took it upon herself to get them first class seats.

"Hope you did not have to do all this" Josie said.

"Of course i did my baby momma is riding in style" Hope grinned.

"Dork" Josie laughed.

And with the that plane started to take off which made Josie want to throw up the brunette has had bad motion sickness since she was a kid.

"It's okay shhh" Hope said whispering in Josie's ear and stroking her hand which seemed to help Josie "i got you love."

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