Chapter 30

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In the morning Hope and Josie managed to wake up before both of the babies so they sat there laying in each other embrace.

Hope looked down at Josie and smiled.

"What?" Josie asked looking back at her.

"Nothing you're just really beautiful" Hope said tracing Josie's features.

"Oh yeah?" Josie said against Hope's lips.

"Mhm, you truly are a work of art."

Josie smiled before cupping Hope's cheek and bringing her in for a passionate kiss.

Hope helped Josie into her lap and soon enough the girl was straddling Hope.

"God you're so hot," Hope said biting Josie's bottom lip and moving the brunette's hips so she was grinding against her hard boner.

Josie began kissing down Hope's neck as her hands went to the girl's pajama pants. She slowly slid her hand in and took hold of her girlfriend's length earning a moan from Hope.

Just as they were about to go further they heard a cry coming from the twin's nursery.

Hope let out a groan and laid back as Josie climbed off of her.

"That's a hungry cry," she said before washing her hands and going to the nursery.

"The world hates me" Hope sighed and covered her head.

Later that day when the twins were changed and fed they made their way over to Hope's family's house where they all saw them sitting around drinking and laughing.

"What's going on in here," Hope said setting the diaper bag on the couch.

"Your mother was telling that embarrassing story about how you had that phase where you would run through the house naked."

"Oh my god" Hope sighed.

"Wait what" Josie started laughing.

"NOTHING!" Hope said to Josie before looking at her family "nothing!"

"They better not have that phase," Josie said gesturing to the twins.

Hayley laughed before setting her glass down "well dinner is ready your father also has one of his business partners joining us today."

"Business partner? since when does dad allow other people to help run Mikaelson industry's" Hope raised an eyebrow.

"Your father found that the best way to make the most money was merging with another company so he merged with Malivore Inc," Hayley said moving over to the dining room "now the CEO of Malivore inc has his son working with your dad, he flew in today for a meeting they have tomorrow."

Hope nodded before she and Josie put the twins in the bassinet and rolled it over so they were next to Josie at the table.

They all began to pass around the food when they all heard a voice.

"Sorry I'm late traffic was a bitch" he said taking off his jacket.

Josie's eyes widened and she looked to Hope whose jaw was clenched.

"Landon I was beginning to think you weren't coming," Hope's father said walking in with a bottle of wine.

"Oh my god," Josie muttered under her breath and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"What's he doing here?" Hope asked.

"This is your fathers business parter" Hayley said.

"HE is the buisness partner??" Hope said.

"Yeah- what's going on with you-" Klaus said.

Landon suddenly looked in their direction and smiled "Josie hey didn't think you'd be here" he said sitting next to Josie and the twins.

This made Hope very angry she didn't want him anywhere near them.

"Yeah well... they are my family now..." Josie said putting the pacifier in Theo's mouth absentmindedly.

Landon hummed before putting some vegetables on his plate and passing them to Josie.

When she took the bowl she felt him purposely let his hand touch hers and it made her want to puke but she remained respectful and took some vegetables and passed them to Hope who was still glaring at the curly-haired boy.

"He's not worth it" Josie whispered in Hope's ear.

"He wants you I hate him" Hope replied through gritted teeth.

"Yeah well, I only want you so don't let him get to you okay?" Josie said taking Hope's chin and pulling her in for a kiss which was interrupted by something spilling onto Josie's top.

Josie gasped and looked down at her top which was now see-through.

"Shit" Josie said looking down at her ruined top.

"Oh god I'm sorry Josie I think my elbow accidentally hit the water pitcher," Landon said grabbing paper towels and putting them on Josie's chest.

"It's fine-" Josie sighed and pushed Landon's hand away from her and began soaking up the water from her top.

"You sure you don't need any help?" Landon asked.

"If she did she wouldn't need help from you" Hope said harshly.

"I'm sensing some tension here what im the bloody hell is going on," Klaus said setting down his utensils and looking at them.

"Your daughter is mad that Josie wants to go out with me," Landon said casually.

"Excuse me?" Josie's head whipped in his direction.

"Josie it's okay you don't have to lie anymore," he said taking her hand into his own.

Hope stood up at that action.

Josie immediately took her hand away "I don't want to be with you Landon I love Hope I never indicated I ever wanted to go out with you I'm not sure where you got that from."

"You told me you hated Hope and that she was a horrible person" Landon stood up.

"What?" Hope asked looking at Josie.

"I did not!" Josie said.

"Yes, you did think about it for a second" Landon said.

Josie stood there silent then suddenly it hit her.

"Exactly," Landon said.

"Okay wow," Hope shook her head and walked out of the compound.

"Hope it's not what it sounds like-" Josie said but Hope had already walked out.

"I would never walk out on you," Landon said.

"Shut up!" Josie yelled before turning to Klaus and Hayley "can you watch the twins please."

"Uh- yeah of course," Hayley said looking between the two confused.

"Thank you," Josie said before running out after Hope.

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