The New Blood

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Rhea was looking deeply into the mirror in her own locker room with her hands leant against the table that is attached to the wall and then she looked at her Raw Women's Championship then looked back at the mirror, she's been the Raw Women's Champion for 296 days and counting. Rhea wants to be the longest reigning Raw Women's Champion. The Australian heard a knock at the door and she picked up her title and then walked over and put her sleeveless custom made leather jacket on, then she opened the door and it was Triple H.

Triple H: Hey I have some good news and bad news. He smiled and Rhea smiled back because he is like a wrestling dad to her since he believed in her since the day she arrived and he knew that she would become the first ever NXT UK Women's Champion and she did when she went against Toni Storm in NXT UK.

Rhea Ripley:... So what's the good news? She asked she tilted her head.

Triple H: You Have a match against Raquel Gonzalez... But it's a last women standing match.

Rhea Ripley: I don't see what's wrong with that... What's the bad news? The Raw Women's Champion said as she wrapped her title around her toned waist. Triple H sighed and he looked down a little and placed his hands on his hips and then looked back up to look at Rhea.

Triple H: But you have to put your title on the line. Rhea didn't feel threatened or angry about it.

 Rhea Ripley: I know I'm going to win but don't worry I'm not going to cheat. Triple H nodded and smiled as he placed his hand on her strong shoulder.

Triple H: I know you won't and go out there and prove why you are the champ. He smiled and walked out of Rhea's locker room and she was walking down The Raw hallway. She saw Sasha Banks walked in the other direction to her and gave her a long eye contact, Rhea knew what Sasha was implying without saying a word... The Boss was basically saying that Rhea's days are numbered as being the champion and since Money In The Bank is coming up, Sasha would want to win and become Ms. Money In The Bank because she lost her title against The Nightmare Rhea Ripley at Payback (Which is a PPV). And Sasha even didn't win her rematch to get try to get her title back, which obviously she didn't

Rhea just ignored her and continued walking towards the entrance, she was waiting until her theme started to play (It's going to be This Is My Brutality by Ash Costello) Rhea walked out and she does what she usually does as an entrance. (Video will be down below and instead of the women's tag team title around her waist it will be the raw women's title) 

Then The Raw Women's Champion stood at ringside, looking at the entrance stage waiting for Raquel Gonzalez to come out and she was walking down ramp, still both was looking each other in the eyes both wanting to get their hands on each other since they had heated rivalry in NXT. Then they both went in the ring.

Ring Announcer: This match is the last woman standing match and this is for the Raw Women's Championship. The Raw crowd was cheering for their favourite superstar, which most of them was cheering for Rhea Ripley. Here is the Champion from Adelaide, Australia Rhea Ripley. As the Ring Announcer said that, Rhea walked over in the centre of the ring and took off her title and raised it above her head and smirked with confidence then she walked back in the corner where she was before but at the same time she was looking at her opponent, Raquel Gonzalez. In the other corner we have the challenger from La Feria, Texas. Raquel Gonzalez. The challenger walked over to the centre of the ring and raised her arm and then made a gesture that she is going to be the new champion by miming that she has the title around her waist, The referee walked up to Rhea and she looked at her title for a couple of seconds then she handed it to him the he raised it up then gestured someone to ring the bell signalling that the last woman standing match has begun. 

They both starting to run at each other and Rhea tackled Raquel making her fall to the floor in the ring and started to keep punching her all over, then the ref was trying to get The Nightmare off of her. But then Rhea got off and Gonzalez got up straight after her, they were both doing different chain wrestling moves to each other but Rhea did a snap-nare then running to the ropes, turning last second to then rebounded off of the ropes then placed a beautiful drop kick straight in Raquel's face. During the match it was going back and fourth until the match started to go backstage and since it was a lasting women's standing match. Anything goes and there is no count outs and the only way they can win is to get their opponent to not get to their feet within a count of ten.

Rhea lifted up Raguel and did a Riptide into a table which smashed into pieces and then she climbed up big travel cases the she did a senton and successfully landed it and then Rhea got up then sat on a stage case... But then Raquel got up from a count of 8, which nobody could believe it and Rhea was trying to think of what to do to win this match. Rhea grabbed Gonzalez by the back of the neck and then grabbed a steel black chair then dragged her outside in the parking lot... The Raw Women's Champion lifted up the steel chair and looked at it to figure out how she could use the chair to win... She slammed it straight to the back of Raquel, then Raquel dropped to the floor. Rhea dropped the steel chair on the parking lot floor then she grabbed Raquel and did a Riptide again but Raquel landed on the steel chair and Gonzalez was rolling around in pain... The ref was counting and it was up to 9 but Raquel was still wasn't to her feet... 10. Rhea is still the Raw Women's Champion. 

After the ten count the referee stood in between of the two wrestlers, thinking that the Raw Women's Champion will beat up Raquel Gonzalez but then another referee escorted and they both walked through the backstage of Monday Night Raw and walked onto the stage and the time keeper walked towards her with her title, Rhea took it and raised the title above her head and smirked whilst she stuck her tongue out to the side as the ring announcer started to speak into the microphone  

Ring Announcer: Here we have the still reigning Raw Women's Champion, The Nightmare, Rhea Ripley. Some of the crowd was cheering and some was booing. Rhea walked backstage and some of the wrestlers congratulated her and Rhea walked back to her room in the hotel and went to bed.

The next morning Rhea got up and put on her gym clothes to work out because she is going to the Performance Centre in Orlando, Florida which isn't too far from the hotel since Raw was in Orlando somewhere. She pulled up in the parking lot and got out and started to lift some weights.

Then some of the new bloods noticed some of the wrestlers that are from SmackDown and Raw... Then one of the new bloods walked up to Rhea and she stopped and placed the big weights down.

New Blood: I'm a big fan, Do you have any advice for someone who's starting a wrestling career in WWE? The Cotton candy haired girl smiled and then Rhea did as well.

Rhea Ripley: Thanks, well you have to work hard and this company is built on respect, but also you should have fun and if you need any help you can ask me. What's your name? Rhea asked as she held out her hand for the new blood shake.

New Blood: I'm Liv. Liv smiled and shook her hand. Thanks for the advice and I'll will let you know when I do. Rhea started to continue with her work out.

Liv (I'm using 201 Liv Bliss during NXT and when she's on one of the main brands I'm using The Riott Squad Liv Morgan) walked away and put her wrestling shoes on and started training with Alexa (I'm using The Goddess Alexa Bliss) in the ring, they both started to do different combinations of chain wrestling. 

COMPLICATED (Rhea Ripley X Liv Morgan)Where stories live. Discover now