The Nightmare

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Rhea was in her apartment with her dogs watching NXT and she watched the tag team match, that was The Iiconics vs. Alexa Bliss & Liv Morgan, but not with her partner since about what happened a couple of days ago. He cheated on her with some other woman and he tried to justify himself but it didn't work, matter of fact it made it worse... In the end Rhea ended it and kicked him out, The Raw Women's Champion was still hurt from it.

The Australian wrestler heard a knock at the door she sighed as she got up from the couch, thinking that it was him but it was her Dad, Triple H. Rhea hugged her Dad at the same time he hugged her back. Then Lunas and Barry ran up to Triple H and jumped up in a friendly way, Triple H bent down to them to say hello and he was happy to see them as well, then he went back up to look at his daughter.

Triple H: How are you, Rhea? He smiled as he placed his strong hand on her muscular shoulder.

Rhea Ripley:... I'm fine, I just had a feeling that it wasn't working out. She titled her head to the side a bit. So how's Stephanie? Rhea asked.

Stephanie isn't Rhea's mum because before Triple H found Stephanie he was married to Rhea's mum and they wanted to have a family, so then Rhea came along but then when Rhea was 12, both of her parents didn't love each other anymore. They didn't fight at all, they just agreed to go their separate ways but Triple H was still in Rhea's life, like he was the best Dad ever... No one knows in the WWE business expect for Stephanie because the company would think that Triple H was cutting corners for his daughter, but that isn't true because Rhea works hard for what she wants to do.

Triple H: Yeah she's fine, so are you ready for Survivor Series coming up? He asked with a smile, then he got a phone call. Sorry Rhea. Then he was going to mute his phone.

Rhea Ripley: No it's fine, you should take it. Rhea said as he stopped him from not answering the call, he thanked her and walked out.


Rhea was walking her dogs because it was a nice day, the sun was out, then from the distance she saw a figure that looked like Toni Storm walking a dog that looked like Ralph (Toni's dog) and Rhea walked quickly towards her.

Rhea Ripley: Oh my god Toni what are you doing here? Rhea said as the blonde woman turned around and it was Toni Storm and she smiled. I thought you were in the UK. Then the two Aussies hugged. Rhea's dogs was sniffing Ralph and all of the dogs was wagging their tails.

Toni Storm: I'm doing tv for champion vs. champion for NXT Worlds Collide. Toni smiled. Rhea was about to say something but a fan noticed both Rhea and Toni.

 Fan: OMG you're Toni Storm and Rhea Ripley... Can I have a picture? They asked and they both said yes and the picture was taken. Both Toni and Rhea had to go.

Rhea Ripley: Hey, Toni if you want you can leave Ralf in my apartment with my dogs if you want. Rhea asked as they were both walking their dogs as she looked at her old friend.

Toni Storm: Yeah, are you sure? 

Rhea Ripley: Yes. They were near her apartment.

Toni Storm: Thanks, at least Ralph won't be alone in a hotel room. Then, both Rhea and Toni went into The Nightmare's apartment, then drooped their dogs off... The Aussies walked into the venue that Raw was in... The crew was setting the things up like the ring, the stage and pyro stuff. Everyone went in the locker rooms warming up.


Rhea was ready to do her entrance and she did, the WWE universe was cheering since she was going against Carmella, 'the most beautiful woman in all of WWE' and Carmella did hers.

The crowd was chanting 'Rhea's gonna kill you' and Carmella was scared because she didn't want to get her face ruined even though she's wearing that weird and ugly mask. The bell rung and Mella chopped Rhea but it didn't effect her and she just laughed then she made it look like she was going to punch Mella, but Carmella flinched as she turned, exposing her back and Rhea slapped Carmella's tanned back with force and the connection echoed throughout the arena and she fell to the floor of the ring, then rolled out of the ring and so did Rhea... The Nightmare started chasing after Carmella around the ring while Carmella was screaming, then Carmella went in the ring and so did Rhea but Mella started attacking The Raw Women's Champion since she had a chance to capitalise her plan and she did.

Carmella tried to pin Rhea but Ripley powered out at one, then Carmella got up and ran to the ropes, but then Rhea got up and did a big boot to Carmella and Mella ran into Rhea's black boot then she fell to the floor... Rhea then put her in the prism trap but Carmella didn't tap so Rhea just dropped her then landed a leg drop but Mella rolled out of the way and leaned on the bottom of the turnbuckle, in which gave Rhea the opportunity to land a drop kick and it did... Rhea dragged Carmella by her hair then Rhea slammed Carmella by doing a Riptide then pinned her as she shifted her body weight over her opponent and she won. Then at the end Charlotte walked out and stood on the stage just clapping, Rhea was wondering what was going on but she was very wherry of Charlotte Flair. 


The Nightmare was walking down the hallway, then she noticed Renee was walking towards her and Rhea knew what she was going to say.

Renee: So Rhea what do think about what Charlotte did tonight? Rhea just simply just looked at Renee with a glare.

Rhea Ripley: I don't care about Charlotte especially with her mind games... She needs to learn to except that I'm the Raw Women's Champion and she can't beat The Nightmare. Once Rhea said that she noticed Charlotte walked in and both Ripley and Flair was giving each other evil glares, then Charlotte took the mic from Renee.

Charlotte Flair: Move Renee. And Renee did, Charlotte was laughing. You winning The Raw Women's Championship was a fluke, you only won it because at Payback I wasn't in that match and if I was then, you wouldn't have my title... You couldn't beat the Queen... WOO!!! Rhea snatched the mic from The Queen.

Rhea Ripley: Typical Charlotte, you always cry and whine about how you wasn't in a title match. I had enough of your moaning Charlotte.

Charlotte Flair: Why don't you put your title on the line. Both Charlotte and Renee looked at Rhea for response.

Rhea Ripley:... Well Charlotte I will give you my answer, but not yet... WOO!! Rhea mocked Flair as she dropped the mic and walked away. 

COMPLICATED (Rhea Ripley X Liv Morgan)Where stories live. Discover now