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Rhea Ripley, Dakoda Kai, Alexa Bliss and the others who invaded Raw was sitting in a meeting room. The room was silent and all of the women was sitting there in silence, then both of the GM's of Raw and NXT, which is Nikki Bella and CM Punk. They both sat down, then Triple H walked in with Stephanie.

Stephanie McMahon: I take it you know the reason why you are here? Stephanie said and the other female wrestlers nodded. What you did was wrong. Steph gestured to the women of NXT that she was talking about them. 

Triple H: And CM Punk you should of known about this?

CM Punk: Look I didn't know until last minute, but you got to give them credit since when Survivor Series comes around. Raw invades SmackDown and it can go back and fourth. Triple H did nod as to say that he has a point.

Triple H: CM Punk maybe next time you should keep your superstars in line. Then Triple H turns to Rhea and so does Stephanie.

Stephanie McMahon: Rhea, what you did was understandable. But it was still wrong. Rhea nodded, after that the others walked out of the room but Punk pulled The Raw Women's Champion aside.

CM Punk: You remind me  of me when I was younger, because I would have done the same thing. He smiled and he placed his hand on Rhea's shoulder.

Rhea Ripley: Thanks CM Punk. Ripley smiled then Nikki Bella walked towards Punk and Rhea.

Nikki Bella: I hope you're not trying to steal one of my stars of Raw. Nikki said as a joke and the two was laughing.

CM Punk: No, but if you want we can do a trade if you like. CM Punk said as an offer.

Nikki Bella: Sorry Punk, but she's not for sale because I am not letting her go that easy. Nikki wrapped her tanned arm around Rhea's strong, muscular shoulders and both of them walked away

Rhea grabbed her title and started walking down the entrance as her her theme song started to play, she could hear the Raw crowd from New York cheering... The Raw Women's Champion joined commentary at ringside, Ripley sat down with her title and put on the head-mic set.

Michael Cole: Ladies and Gentleman please welcome, our Raw Women's Champion Rhea Ripley. Cole gestured where Ripley was.

Rhea Ripley: Aw thanks guys. She smiled as she laughed, The next match was a mixed tag match and it was Finn Balor and Becky Lynch vs. Roman Reigns and Raguel Gonzalez. The bell rang, which then signalled that the match has started.

Byron Sxaston: So what happened last week-- Sxaston got cut off by Corey.

Corey Graves: I'll tell you what happened last week, Sxaston. NXT invaded Raw and attacked Rhea and most of all The Queen. Rhea looked at Graves.

Lynch and Gonzalez was going back and fourth as they was doing different grapple combos as both of their partners for the tag.

Rhea Ripley: You know that I'm right here, Corey right? Rhea leant on the announce desk and looked over at Graves, who sat the furthest away from Rhea.

Michael Cole: So why did you think the women of NXT did this? Cole asked as Big Time Becks Irish whipped Raguel into Lynch's corner then Becky did a springboard leg kick and Rhea was impressed, then Becky lifted Gonzalez up as she fell after as she got kicked by Lynch. Then Lynch did a snap-nare to her opponent and did a drop kick to the spine making her fall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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