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Nikki got some referees and security since NXT wasn't suppose to be on Raw or even invade the brand either, the referees and security got in the ring and attended to Rhea and Charlotte and they got the women of NXT out of the arena, then they helped Flair and Ripley backstage and along the way Nikki was carrying Rhea's title. 

Both of them was hurt but luckily enough they still both can compete, the women of Raw was both sitting down and groaning in pain and holding their torsos or their heads. Nikki was angry

Charlotte Flair: Nikki, if Rhea can't compete then I will hold title and represent the red brand at Survivor Series. Rhea looked at Charlotte with an angry expression.

 Rhea Ripley: I know I can compete. Rhea groaned a bit when a medical staff attended to Rhea. You got the same damage I did and you was in a match before, so you would be more worse than me. Rhea gave Charlotte attitude with what she said and at the same time Nikki was thinking.

Nikki Bella: Stop arguing and just let me think. Look, Charlotte I know Rhea can take it. I need to sort this out. GM Bella decided to walk up to Stephanie, which she just arrived to the arena.

Nikki Bella: I need to speak with you Steph. Stephanie looked worried since she is close with Nikki Bella.

Stephanie McMahon: What's wrong? She asked.

Nikki Bella: NXT invaded Raw and attacked The Raw Women's Champion and Charlotte Flair.

Stephanie McMahon: That's wrong and I'll see what's going on, thank you Nikki for bringing this to my attention. Stephanie then pulled out her phone then she called someone then walked away. Then Renee walked over.


Tonight is NXT, and Liv is one of the five going into a battel royal declaring who with face Dakoda Kai at NXT Take Over Chicago. Candice LeRae, Ember Moon, Io Shirai, Shayna Baszler, Bianca Belaire and Liv Morgan was in the ring. They were all looking at each other wary of each other because if they make alliances then will it take them far... But then they could betray each other. All of the women started fighting each other by wearing each other down and trying to stop themselves from getting eliminated by them going over the top ropes and both feet hitting the ground. Candice joined forces with Shirai... But for how long?

Ember was about to do a Eclipse but Morgan pushed Ember Moon off of the top rope since Liv was close to her, Ember got eliminated then a couple of minutes later Candice and Io was able to eliminate Belaire, Shirai was going in for a high five while she was close to the ropes. Candice made it look like that she was going to do it but she dragged Io over and she pushed her off but as for revenge Shirai was able to take LeRae with her and they were both shocked... Then that left Shayna and Liv. Morgan Irish whipped Baszler over the ropes and Liv tried to push her down but then Shayna put Liv in a sleeper hold but she was still went over the ropes but she was standing on the apron... A couple of moments later Liv was able to pull her weight towards Baszler making her go back and she got eliminated, then leaving the winner which was Liv Morgan and she is going to face Dakoda Kai at NXT Take Over Morgan walked backstage and she got congratulated by different people but then she saw Rhea.

Rhea Ripley: Great match Liv, that was a great move against Shayna Baszler. Rhea smiled and placed her strong hand on Liv's small shoulder.

Liv Morgan: Thank you it means a lot coming from you. I've always wanted to become a champion when I was little. Liv smiled.

Rhea Ripley: I thought you would become a champion some day and when you're a champion the company believes in you... I know this is gonna sound cliché or weird, but you got to believe in yourself too. Rhea said as she crossed her arms and shrugged her shoulders ad the same time.

Liv Morgan: Thanks for the advice I really needed it. Liv was about to walked away but then she turned around. One time can you train me? She asked.

Rhea Ripley: Yeah sure. Then Rhea got her phone out. Here's my phone number by the way. Ripley and Morgan exchanged numbers so then they can get in touch with each other, they both said their goodbyes.

Dakoda was celebrating a singles match because she won and it was against Tegan Nox. Tegan rolled out of the ring and walked into backstage but then Kai was still celebrating. But not for long. Her Theme song got cut quickly then Rhea's Theme started playing and everyone the arena couldn't believe it, including Dakoda Kai.

The Nightmare walked out smirking as she was walking down and went into the ring, she got on the top turnbuckle and lifted her Raw Women's Championship in the air and then she jumped down into the ring... The NXT crowd was cheering and chanting 'Welcome Home' Rhea walked over to get a mic and she did, but Dakoda Kai did as well.

Rhea Ripley: It's nice to be back. The crowd started to cheer louder making Rhea laugh but with Kai she was angry.

Dakoda Kai: What are you doing here Rhea? This isn't you turf anymore. Kai said but Rhea found it funny, which made Dakoda more frustrated.

Rhea Ripley: I find it funny, so it's okay that on Monday you invaded Raw and attack me and Charlotte. Rhea said as she stepped closer to Dakoda, then looked down at her and then she walked back. I came here for payback for what you did and I want you, Dakoda. Rhea then dropped the mic and so did Dakoda but Kai tried to do a move on Ripley but she turned it into a Riptide and ended Dakoda. Then Rhea bent down.

Rhea Ripley: Not so big now, are you princess? Rhea mocked her then she picked her Raw title up and left the ring.

But it didn't end there Kai got up and chased after Rhea, then a full on fight broke out backstage and it was between Dakoda and Rhea. Both of them was throwing punches but then Raquel ran to Kai's aid even though Raquel is on Raw. But Rhea saw her coming so Ripley threw Raquel into Kai then The Nightmare pick Dakoda up and slammed her in a locker, closed the door and barricaded it off. Rhea turned around she started attacking Raquel... But then referee's came over trying to break it up they did but then Rhea jumped out of the group that was holding her and lunged at Raquel and started punching her in the face. But in the end they was holding them separately and they made them leave in different directions.  

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