Repeating History

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The next Raw show, Rhea didn't have a match but she was backstage talking to other wrestlers and trainees, stuff like that. Rhea sat in a chair wearing black ripped jeans with a cropped version of her 'chains' t-shirt with black combat boots... And she had her title around her waist, she was on her phone on social media.

Most people was wondering when Rhea was going to defend her title against Charlotte and some was saying that Rhea is going to loose, since what happened at Wrestlemania when Charlotte Flair went against Rhea Ripley for her NXT Women's Championship... Then Ripley felt someone placed their hand on her shoulder, Rhea looked up and it was the GM of Raw, The Hall Of Famer Nikki Bella.

Rhea Ripley: Hey GM Bella. Rhea put her phone down and did a warm smile to the general manger.

Nikki Bella: How's my Raw Women's Champion? She smiled and she sat down on the nearest chair, which was close.

Rhea Ripley: Good... So who did you choose for Team RAW for Survivor Series? Rhea looked at Nikki Bella, she was about to answer but Charlotte walked in and looked at The Champion and The General Manger of Raw.

Charlotte Flair: So Nikki, when will Rhea have to defend her championship against me? Flair said as she was so eager to get the title, Rhea and Nikki just looked at Charlotte with a rude look. Since Charlotte just butted in the conversation.

Nikki Bella: When I decide to. You know what Charlotte, just because your last name is Flair it doesn't mean you can get what you want. Nikki said as she stood up. So Charlotte can you just please leave. Charlotte was leaving but she stood at the door and turned around.

Charlotte Flair: A good and FAIR GM would give me a title opportunity

Nikki Bella: Well I'm the GM and I run the show. So why don't you earn one. Charlotte was angry. I'm putting you in a match against Becky Lynch and since she's begging for an opportunity for the title as well. I'm making it official, Charlotte will face Becky for a title opportunity for The Raw Women's Championship. Charlotte was shocked and she walked away with attitude.

Rhea Ripley: Thank you for sticking up for me, Nikki... So who do you think is going to win? Rhea looked up at GM Nikki.

Nikki Bella: It doesn't matter since I know you're going to win. She smiled at Rhea, then Nikki's phone buzzed. Sorry got to take this. Nikki said as she started to walk out of the room and so did Rhea, The Champion walked into the screening room to watch the rest of the show.

Becky Lynch was in the ring with the mic in hand.

Becky Lynch: I'm out here to say that the other women out in back saying that they deserve to have a shot at Rhea Ripley for her Raw Women's title but she hasn't gone against me. The Nightmare hasn't gone against Big Time Becks. Straight after that Charlotte Flair's theme song played as The Queen walked down the ramp and she started talking.

Charlotte Flair: Wait, wait, wait. Becky get in line I'm better than you, than ALL OF YOU. Then Charlotte gestured to the crowd that Flair is better than them as she got in the ring. I'm genetically superior, listen Becks you've always been in my shadow and you have been jealous for all those years. Charlotte was about to say something but Nikki Bella's theme song cuts off The Queen and both Lynch and Flair looked over where Nikki Bella was.

Nikki Bella: Ladies, well if you think that you deserve The Raw Women's Championship match against Rhea then prove it. Then Becky lifted up the mic to her mouth.

Becky Lynch: How? She simply just said as a one word question.

Nikki Bella: By competing in a number one contenders match. Right here. Right now. Nikki smiled as the crowd was cheering and chanting 'Yes! Yes! Yes!' about the announcement that GM Bella has made and the women in the ring didn't like it one bit, since Flair and Lynch had a very intense rivalry for a long time. 

The match started, once the bell rang both of the female superstars came charging at each other, both punching each other while one of them was trying to cover or even block the blows as the ref was trying to separate them both. Flair was doing heavy grapple attacks to Lynch and mostly aiming to damage Becky's leg so when Flair locks Becky into a figure 4 or even a figure 8, then Lynch would be done and the only way out for Becky is to tap. But when Flair was about to do a leg DDT Becky reverse it by kicking Charlotte in the torso. Most of the match was going back and fourth.

Making Charlotte fall then Becky ran over and landed the first leg drop but she tried the second but Charlotte moved out of the way, so Becky landed on her butt then she went on her knees and that's when Charlotte ran and landed Natural Selection on Becky Lynch, then Flair pinned her. Everyone thought that Charlotte had Becky, but she kicked out and the look of her face wasn't pretty since she was very frustrated and angry at the same time. Then Charlotte kept targeting Becky's legs by doing different combos, then in the end Flair locked in a figure four Becky tried to get out of it but nothing worked. Charlotte put it in a figure 8 then it was game over for Lynch and she tapped... So Charlotte will face Rhea Ripley for The Raw Women's Championship.

Charlotte stood up and grabbed a mic and pushed Becky to get out of the ring.

Charlotte Flair: I told all of you that I am the opportunity and I have one question for The Nightmare Rhea Ripley... When will I have my match?... How about you should come out here or are you scared to face me and if you are, I know the reason why because we'll be repeating history. I will win and you will never beat me. Charlotte shouted, Then Rhea's Theme song started to play as The Raw Women's Champion walked down the ramp and into the ring, Rhea was smirking because she got to choose when and were the match is going to happen.

Rhea was about to speak into the mic but she got attacked from behind and it was from Alexa Bliss from NXT and she wasn't alone. NXT started to attack the champ and Charlotte but Ripley and Flair tried to fight them off but they was out numbered because Liv Morgan, Alexa Bliss and Dakoda Kai was bombarding Rhea where as with attacking Charlotte, there was Shayna Baszler, Io Shari, Tegan Nox... Both Rhea and Charlotte was on the floor, The women of NXT was standing there smiling and Alexa was mocking them by doing crocodile tears.  

COMPLICATED (Rhea Ripley X Liv Morgan)Where stories live. Discover now