Failed Boba Date- Postgame Drabble

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Maki and Shuichi exchange easy conversation, sipping drinks. They stop when a guy they recognise vaguely stops them. "Hey, it's Shuichi Saihara and Maki Harukawa! The famed roommates!"

Shuichi starts. "...We're dating: have been for a year, in fact."

"Mhm! Roommates with benefits!"

"N-no, I mean- We were, but-"

"You literally just admitted it, Saihara, no 'but' about it!"

Maki interrupts. "Yes, sure, we were housemates, still are if you need confirmation, but do you seriously want to know what Saihara's like in-"

"Okay, okay, you're dating!"

Shuichi laughs, a little exasperated. "You didn't have to do that. I will now never have a normal boba date."

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