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-Shuichi wears glasses sometimes. Maki thinks it makes him look like a teacher.

-Shuichi writes about V3 (which no-one really knows about outside of the Ultimate Academy escapees and those involved) and is an author. One of his books Maki wrote and he edited slightly.

-Maki has worked as a waitress/bartender at a local restaurant.

-Maki collects Nerf guns (or did in her childhood- she won't admit it, ever.)

-Some of their first few dates (after escaping) were watching musicals; Heathers and Hamilton are among the first few.

-They have their moments. They went through a killing game and escaped, for god's sake.

-Himiko went back to her parents when they all escaped the Ultimate Academy, but they still see her sometimes.

-They both enjoy boba, a lot.

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