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"Channie." SeungMin quietly pushes his way into Chan's bedroom.

"Hm?" Chan mumbles as he lifts his head up off of his desk, a bit startled.

"I don't think Jinnie is doing well." SeungMin folds his hands in front of him and lowers his head as if disappointed in himself for something.

"Why?" Chan rubs at his eyes as he spins in his chair to face the younger.

"I read his room. I know I shouldn't have. I know it's not right to intrude like that, but I was worried." SeungMin admits to something he and MinHo both promised not to do to the others.

Reading a room without consent is wrong. It lets a Chyrid into someone's head and reveals their deepest feelings to them, without the people in the room even knowing. In a mixed clan, reading a room can be dangerous. It can lead to conflicts and potentially the death of the Chyrid who overstepped their boundaries.

"Seung—you know better. Especially with Jin. He doesn't hide it. If he's upset, you know it. If he's ready to share, he will. You can't step over the line like that with him. You know better than anyone that he could kill someone. He could kill you. You're not meant to fight. Even as a protector, you aren't a fighter. You're a charm caster. If HyunJin finds out you read him—just—I'll go check on him, you go back to bed. No one needs to know what happened. Okay?" Chan grabs SeungMin's arm firmly and looks him dead in the eye. SeungMin nods, unable to meet his gaze.

He knows he did wrong. Everything about it made him feel dirty. Stealing personal information like that isn't something he enjoys doing. In the moment, his worries got the best of him. SeungMin just wanted to check on HyunJin. He didn't want to wake him if he was sleeping, but he really needed to know how he was doing. To SeungMin, HyunJin is the next most precious person in the clan after Luna.

As a Chyrid, SeungMin's feelings are muted, but with HyunJin he feels them all. HyunJin's emotions are so intense and real that they make SeungMin feel something. Seeing and feeling how upset HyunJin is really takes a toll on SeungMin. He can't help but step over the line sometimes. It isn't the first time he's read HyunJin's room. SeungMin's just never told anyone he has. He can do it from the safety of his own room. All he needs is a hand on a wall or door of the room and he can see and feel everything.

HyunJin's room is right next to his. It just takes a few seconds and it's done. Sleeping is impossible for him unless he checks in on HyunJin. The idea of the boy feeling like an outcast is something SeungMin works hard to change. So much so, that he even set up for the two of them to spend time together every Friday evening. HyunJin wouldn't agree to spending time with SeungMin if he knew what SeungMin does while he sleeps.

"Bedroom, Seung. Now." Chan tugs on SeungMin's arm and drags him from his daze.

"I'm going." SeungMin whispers softly as he slowly makes his way into the hall.

Chan sighs and turns to check on JiSung. He's still fast asleep. He always is. JiSung has slept through a tornado before. It swept right by him and he didn't even know. It was truthfully kind of amusing. The boys bring up the story all the time, but JiSung has never believed them. Chan slips out of the room and makes his way toward HyunJin's bedroom.

ChangBin's lips leave a trail of sloppy kisses up and down Luna's arm. Once he reaches her shoulder, she squirms in annoyance. She's been fast asleep for at least an hour or two, but ChangBin just couldn't help but love her. He decides he's done playing games and shifts a bit so he can roughly press his lips to hers.

It's dangerous. The sound of footsteps in the hall tells him he's not the only one awake, but she's asleep, so he can't take her into headspace. His only choice is to wake her, then to jump in. The only problem is he doesn't want to. He's tired of the rules telling him what he can and can't do with his human. Her happiness is all that matters. What harm can a few kisses cause? It's not like he's walking into a crowded place and having sex with her. Everything takes place behind a closed door. Isn't that enough?

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