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"Is she coming?" SeungMin questions as he tosses a glance back at Chan and Felix.

"Yeah, she's finishing up a schedule and will be here as soon as she's done. Sang is gonna be here any second, too." Chan informs him as he runs his fingers through Felix's hair.

"When Sang gets here we'll lift the veil. It's hard to do when the Fekyl has a grip on him. It wants to kill him and it can't if the veil is lifted." SeungMin explains why he hasn't touched MinHo much since first identifying what was actually going on.

He exposed his chest and applied some sort of paste to it, but he still looks like he did before he came into the room—lifeless yet content. MinHo's time with Felix left him in a good headspace, so when he fell asleep and the Fekyl took full control, he was feeling happy and loved. All Felix can do is hope that his display of love was enough to keep MinHo content and strong through whatever is happening in his head.

"Minnie!" Luna comes rushing into the room, her eyes red and puffy.

"JeongIn—I told you to keep her occupied." ChangBin scolds gruffly as he moves to grab ahold of Luna's arm.

"She's fine for now. He might be able to hear her voice. It can't hurt for him to have something to hold onto. Lixie, you wanna come hold his hand?" SeungMin offers up some potential ways to help ease not only MinHo's potential internal panic, but also everyone else as well.

"When Sang gets here though—someone will have to keep her out. She can't be in here with the veil lifted. She'll be scared." SeungMin mumbles as he starts to organize the things from chest of random things.

"No. I wanna stay with Min." Luna shakes her head as she clings to MinHo with everything she has.

"I'm here." YeoSang slips into the bedroom, carrying a big bag of little glass jars.

"We have to lift the veil." SeungMin shifts his focus from Luna to YeoSang.

"Come on, Luns. You can come sit with me. We can do whatever you want, Princess." Chan steps up the moment he realizes the others are far too preoccupied to do anything.

"No—you should stay here, Channie." SeungMin shuts down Chan's proposal without wasting a moment.

"Who's gonna sit with her, huh? It's best if I do it. I'm the least qualified for any of this." Chan refuses to acknowledge his value.

"The girls can. They'll keep her busy." HyunJin chimes in as he wraps his arms around Felix tightly.

"Please, Channie—stay here." Felix sniffles as he turns toward the older with tear filled eyes.

"Fine." Chan sighs and runs his fingers through his hair.

"Breathe. Don't shut down on us now." ChangBin squeezes his shoulders and presses a gentle kiss to his cheek.

"I—I can't—it's just—" Chan starts to stumble over his words as his head starts to spin.

"Hey—look at me." JiSung quickly leaps into action and wraps his fingers around Chan's biceps. He looks him dead in the eyes and leans in to place a form kiss on Chan's lips.

Chan takes a shaky breath as JiSung pulls away. He closes his eyes as JiSung cups his face and trails his fingertips over his cheeks. He scatters a few playful butterfly like kisses across Chan's cheeks.

"My Baby Helix. So cute. It's okay. Sungie is here. Just breathe." JiSung steps into the caregiver role happily as he does his best to help Chan relax.

"You're cute." Chan chuckles through his sniffles.

"Am I? I've always thought so." JiSung smiles cheerfully as his eyes sparkle.

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