Chapter 4 - Packing [Filler]

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Maya grinned as she stood folding Trinity's clothes and placing them into her small suitcase, plastered with stickers of her favorite sport teams. Maya's eyes traveled up from the bag and too the three children and Lucas in front of herself. Sophia was sat on Trinity's bed, blanket over her lap, dolls in her hand, a satisfied grin resting upon her lips. Mason next too her reading his book, The Lorax. While Lucas played with Trinity and her small, soft, football. Crash! The ball had been thrown from Lucas' direction, Maya's eyes widened as she turned towards the tall brunette, his hands up in defense, fear stricken face. "You. Did. Not. Just. Do. That." She said, pronouncing each word clearly and properly.

Before saying anything Lucas jumped over Trinity's small bed and behind the girl herself, whispering in the young girl's ear, "Help me," Only loud enough for Trinity too hear, Trinity stood tall, hands on her hips, turning slightly and kissing Lucas on the cheek, before returning too her past pose, standing strong and brave. "Trinity will protect me!" Lucas exclaims towards Maya, kneeling behind Trinity, hands on her shoulders.

Maya chuckled slightly as she picked up the football, positioned it correctly in her hand and threw it towards Lucas, careful not too hit Trinity, but hit Lucas. As she watched it soar through the room, Lucas unaware. The ball landed against his forehead with a light thud. "That's what you get!" She yells softly toward the tall brunette, throwing her hands up for effect, who would usually tower over herself. Lucas stood up, risen eyebrow. Lucas walked over too Maya with a cheeky grin as he walked behind her. Maya furrowed her eyebrows, Confused. Until, she felt steady, masculine arms wrap around her torso, eyes growing wide, "No, Lucas, No." She warned trying too keep her calm as the three young children watched the pair, entertained, humored even. Lucas lifted Maya by the waist, smirk plastered on to his face.

Mason chuckled as he watched his new 'Parents', He had always dreamed for guardians like the two before his eyes. He slowly withdrew his eyes from here they were looking and looked towards his new sisters, the same smile still sitting happily on his lips, This is going too be the best few years of my life. He thought too himself contently, I can't wait for it too begin!

A/N: Sorry It's so short!


How's Life?


Whose room were they packing up?

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