Chapter 3 - Riarkle Babies

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A/N- I've decided it would be easier if I did P.O.Vs so here we go!

Maya's P.O.V

"MAYA... MAYA!" I heard my name being called, I turned my head to see Riley waving her hands frantically, trying to get my atttention. I noticed She was stood alongside Farkle with three kids. Mason was sat in my lap as Lucas and I filled out forms, he was reading his book, every so often giving out an adorable giggle. Lucas had Trinity on his lap and Sophia was sat on the floor playing with a barbie doll.

"Yeah Riles?" I responded to my best friend. She ushered her 'Family' over to mine. She noticed Mason and bent to his level.

"Watcha' doing?" She smiled at the young boy who looked quite scared. I Placed my hand on top of his, causing him to look up at me and smile up at me before loooking back taking a deep breath.

"I'm Reading!" He said confidently, I smiled at his new found confidence.

"Ooo!" Riley replied to the small boy with a small grin, "What book?" She smiled intrigued, "You know, I love reading!"

"It's the cat in the hat!" Mason exclaimed excitedly, "It's my favourite!" He grinned sheepishly as he hugged the ook close to his chest, I smiled down at him as I signed the last part of the final document.

"Ah, Finally, Done!" I smiled setting down the papers, wrapping my arms around the small body on my lap, placing my head upon his, "How you doing there, Buddy?" I grinned, full of joy.

"Im doing good!" He grinned cheekily, adjusting his chunky frames as he lifted up his book, "Look!" he pointed at the goldfish, "The goldfish can talk!" He exclaimed excitedly as he tapped the fish with his index finger. I smiled at the young boys enthusiasm.

"Really? He can?" I asked with a grin and widened eyes

"Finished!" I heard Lucas announced as he finished the last signature, "So Riley, Farkle, who are these cuties?" He asked referring to the three kids with the pair.

"Oh, right, yeah!" Farkle mumbled with a grin as he looked down at the children, "This is Brandon!" He announced bending down placing a hand on the boy's, who was stood directly In front of him, shoulder. Alex had striking blue eyes and beautiful blonde hair which had been shaved slightly on one side. Might I add this little boy had major style!

Riley then took centre stage and introduced the little girl before her, "and this is Olivia!" She spoke, bent down arm around the young girl. Olivia had beautiful brown curls and luscious greeny-blue eyes. She was truly beautiful, and I could tell Mason thought so too. Mason was in a trance, eyes not moving from the girl in front of his eyes. I smiled, foreseeing a relationship in the making.

"And lastly..." My head shot up when I heard Farkle's voice snapping me out of my thoughts, "This little fellow is Zachary!" He finished hands find there way from Alex's shoulders too Zachary's! Zachary was a small boy, with a small build, blonde locks and sapphire blue orbs. He was truly adorable.

Riley spoke up once more, "Alex is 6, Olivia is 5 and Zachary is 3!" She informed. I noticed Sophia stand up from her spot next too me on the bench, blankie in hand. For a moment she faced the bench holding onto the wooden slate, taking in a deep breath before exhaling. She turned around and removed her hands from the bench, my eyes not leaving her, already growing concerned and worried. I watched as she took small steps, trying too reach Zachary, as she reached the 3-year-old she tripped up and almost fell, I let out a slight gasp as I was ready too lunge forward, until I noticed Zachary grab her and save her from face-planting the floor.

Sophia's timid and small voice spoke up, "Thank you.." She spoke looking to the floor, "for, Umm, saving me.." She trailed off nervously, "like a knight in shining armour!" She joked, giving out a small and adorable giggle.

"It was my pleasure!" Zachary responded, in my head I thought 'Awh, he's such a little Gentleman! Oh and very literate! The bust kind!'

I turn from the kids and too Lucas, I point out the two youngest, and move my lips up to his ear and whisper, "I ship it!" Before removing myself from the position and back into my previous one, I heard a soft chuckle come out of Lucas I smile at the laugh.

"So do I.." Lucas began a response leaving it A few seconds before continuing, "Mrs. Friar!" He finished, winking towards myself. I rolled my eyes and lightly nudged him in the side, before noticing a small flash. We, both, instantaneously looked up too see Farkle, camera too his eye, with a smug smile.

"One for the scrapbook I think!" Farkle exclaimed with a suggestive wink.. Leaving both Lucas and I lost for words. When I felt a small tug on my jeans, much like when Sophia tugged them when we first met her. I looked down too see Sophia's s build, hugging her blankie close as she reached her left hand up, obviously wanting too be picked up, I bent down and scooped up the young girl, resting her on my lap.

"Yes, Sophia?" I questioned with a genuine and assuring smile. As I looked down at her porcelain face.

"When are we going home?" She asked softly, with a light yawn at the end, "I'm tired!" She informed stretching her arms to the side.

"That's a good question!" I heard Mrs. Bradley, who had been behind us, speak, "We are going to leave for the apartment complex in 45 minutes, so parents get your kids ready too go! All you will need is clothes, the apartments are furnished and have all the hygienic stuff you need and full of food! I will explain in more detail when I am assigning apartments!" She informed softly, but loud enough for everyone to hear her.


Which of the Minkus boys had Blonde hair?


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