Chapter 2 - Children

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The next day the four friends walked into Parenting class to notice everybody stood in their pairs by the other door. "Whats going on?" Maya asked

"We're going to choose are kids!" A girl nearby squealed excitedly. Maya groaned as Riley smiled jumping enthusiastically on the spot.

"Farkle!" Exclamied Riley "Are kids are going to be the cutest!"

"Yeah!" Farkle agreed as excited as Riley was "And the smartest!"

"I have no words!" Maya sighed

"Awh whats got you down Blondie?" Lucas asked smiling

"I'm just worried.." She sighed "That I'll be like my Mother.." Lucas simply pulled Maya in and hugged her reassuringly. Maya liked the moments between them like this.

"You'll be the best Mom!" Riley stressed as she pulled Maya out of Lucas's grip and into another hug. Farkle nodded agreeing with Riley.

"Alright class listen up!" Mrs. Bradley yelled over everybody's conversations "Basically we are going to get onto the coach, siting with your husband or wife and once we get to the centre you can walk around together an decide which kids you'd like, You can choose up to 4!" She explained, the class all nodded enthusiastically.

"Let's go already!" A boy shouted, with a grin from ear to ear.

"Okay! Follow me!" Mrs Bradley called out starting to walk away. After a short trip the class had made it to the bus and climbed in sitting with their partner. Maya and Lucas took the first seats and Riley and Farkle the ones across.

In a short 15 minutes the bus pulled up to the adoption centre. Everyone pushing past to get out, Maya remained seated next to Lucas as they waited for the rush to pass before getting out and walking into the large building. Maya could hear Lucas' heart beat from a mile away, she smiled, finding it cute how nervous he was. Maya scanned the room instantly seeing a little boy alone. She pulled Lucas over to him and bent down to his level, "Hey little guy!" Maya greted the blue eyed, blonde haired little boy with his nose burried into a Dr. Suess book.

"H..Hello," The young boy sttutered unsure of himself, Maya girnned at his shyness.

"I'm Maya and this is Lucas!" She introduced

"Can you tell us your name little fella?" Lucas asked his thick texan accent sounding.

"I.. I am.." He took a big breath "...Mason and i'm 4 and a half!" Maya looked at Lucas and Lucas looked right back grinning ear to ear.

"Well Mason, would you like to live with us for the next two years?" Lucas asked grinning at the young boy. Mason nooded enthusiastically standing up, placing his book under his arm and walking over to hug the two teens infront of him.

"You.. really want me?" He questioned their decicion "Most p..people don't want the shy b..boy with his head constantly in a!"

"Well we do!" Lucas grinned at the young boy before putting his hands under Mason's arms and lifting him up onto his hip, "We wouldn't dream of leaving you behind!"

"Well then Mason! Before we go home! Would yu like a sibling?" Maya asked. Nodding rapidly Mason pointed to a young girl in the corner wearing a beanie othe her light brown hair, a barbie in one and a baseball in the other.

"That's Trinity, My bestest friend!" Mason exclaimed, Maya grabbed Lucas' arm and dragged him towards the small grl. "Wee!" Squeled Mason giggling.

"Hi There!" Maya greeted as she sat infront of the young girl, "I'm Maya and this is Lucas" She spoke gesturing to the boy behing her.

"Hi!" the young girl greeted entusiatically "I'm Trinity and I'm this many!" She grinned, Proudly, holding up 5 fingers.

"Well Hello there, So.. Do you like baseball?" Lucas asked the question he had obviously been dying to ask.

"I LOVE IT!" Trinity exclaimed jumping up and tossing her baseball in the air before catching it, "But not as much as Hockey!"

"I LOVE HER!" Exclaimed Lucas excitedly causing the young girl to giggle before running up to Lucas, Who was still holding Mason, and hugging them both.

"Hi Mason!" Trinity greeted the blonde boy.

"Hi to you too!" He grinned in response befor climbing out of Lucas' grip and hugging to girl infront of him.

"Well Trinity.." Maya started.

"Yes?" she questioned.

"Would you like to live with Me, Lucas and Mason for the next two years?" Maya questioned hopefully. Simply recieveing an enthusiastic nod, Maya grinned bak as she swept Mason up onto her side, as he was the closest to her. While Lucas gently picked up Trinity. Maya felt a small tug on her semi-tight jeans. When she looked down she noticed a small girl tugging on a blanket underneath Maya's boot, She quickly removed her foot before bending down once again. "Hey, I'm sorry I stood on your Blankie, I'm Maya!"

"I'm Sophia, and its okay!" Sophia introduced timid and quiet.

"How old are you Sophia?" Lucas questioned joining Maya on the floor.

"I..I'm 2 and thre quarters," The timid girl answered. Maya and Lucas looked at each other much like they did with Mason.

"Would you like a little sister?" Both Maya and Lucas whispered into the ear of the child on their hip, being answered with big grins and a nod.

"Well sophia, would you like to come with us to live?" Lucas asked with a soft voice and reassuring smile.

"I'd love that!" the small girl grinned, standing but stumbling a bit and tripping after a few steps and pouting.

"Ah it's okay Sophia!" Lucas reassured her as he picked her up and placing her on his other hip. She grinned clutching her pale pink blankie as she kissed his cheek, causing Lucas to gain a goofy smile. Sophia's small yet joyful laugh echoed around the room.

Once to Mrs.Bradley she handed them papers to fill out and once they did, these three young children would be there responseibility.

'Wow..' Though Maya.


Which child loved baseball and hockey?


Should I include a song each chapter?

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