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I never really thought much of clubs. The idea of its chaos was always so far away from me. I never wanted to go to one or experience what it was like.

Yet here I was...

We sat in a booth. I sat to the inside of the booth Kenna at my side. In front of me was JT and beside him Cameron and Elias sat to the very end.

I got deja vu because here I was once again at a booth with Elias except the circumstances and emotions were different.

He was no longer radiating hatred and whispering the meanest most hurtful things in my ear instead I felt his soft lingering gaze on my face.

I was probably an imbecile because after everything that he had done to me and everything he said somewhere deep down...deeeppp down okay maybe not that deep but still pretty deep down that I maybe had forgiven him.

After thinking it I immediately felt guilty like I was betraying myself by making excuses for him. He'd done so much to me and he insulted me and my mom. But people say things and they don't always mean it.

Now I sound like I'm absolutely making excuses for him because I may or may not have felt something for him in the brief time he changed his ways.

Okay I definitely sound crazy...

I distracted myself of these ridiculous thoughts by paying attention to the conversation happening around me one that wasn't taking place inside my head.

"All im saying is that there really is a reason why he's being such a dick about it" Cameron exclaims.

"Mate there really is no reason to be so bloody stupid obviously we're being punished for acting out..." JT says annoyed Cameron's words.

"I'm the annoying one you're the one who got us into this mess in the first place." Cameron practically yells.

I nudge Kennas elbow she slowly leans her head in a smile plastered on her face she was amused by this conversation "what's up" She says

"What's this about ?" I say.

"Oh they're like 5 seconds away from being kicked off the football team if they keep acting out...missing class, pulling pranks and dumb shit like that." Kenna explains.

They continue to argue while browsing through the menu a couple of minutes go by before the fiery conversation stops when the waiter comes around.
"What can I get you all started with today" He asks.

"I'll have a Coca Cola with a burger and fries" Cameron says.

"I'll take the same but switch out the fries for onion rings" JT says.

Kenna and Elias place their orders.

"And for you gorgeous" The waiter says pointedly looks at me.

My cheeks are suddenly hot and I know they're changing color.

I dip my head down in a small smile before lifting it back up and saying quietly...
"Nothing I'm fine"

"Oh alright then we'll if that's-" the waiter begins before being cut off
"Ummm no she'll take the same as me with a Coca Cola" Kenna says narrowing her eyes at me after she places the order.

The waiter writes everything down nods his head and walks away not before winking at me.

"Kenna" I whisper harshly.

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