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- Paloma Faith

You should probably listen to the song


I need to leave.

I need to go home.

I feel my once stable legs on the ice wobble a little bit as I held those dark eyes that never once wavered from mine.

My breathing quickened and I felt the way my blood was rushing I swear I could hear every single thing happening in my body.

I turned around on my skates and nearly lost my balance, something I never do.

I skate as quickly as I can without bumping into anyone my body suddenly so cold. I spotted Kenna and the rest of the group they were still close by to the wall and I first made eye contact with Cam who was trying to show me what he learned clearly not understanding the look on my face.

Then Kenna looked at me and she scanned my face her eyes roaming behind me to where i'm sure she spot the reason for my behavior and she whispered something in Cams ear before skating slowly and hesitantly towards me seemingly still scared of the ice.

"What do you need ?" Kenna says trying to grab my eyes attention since I was staring at the floor trying to get myself to focus on one thing.

"I just- I need to leave. I need to not be here." I hear my voice break and I hated. I was so tired of being weak and so soft.

"Okay Okay, then thats what we're going to do. Okay ?" Kenna says rubbing her hand up and down my arm.

I nod slowly.

I inhale slowly and take in the cool air ignoring how I was shivering even though I had a sweater on.

Kenna and I skated to the exit where we quickly discarded of our skates, JT and Cam catching up to us pretty quickly.

Great now I ruined it for everyone. Guilt slowly began to replace the cold feeling in my chest as I watched JT and Cam mumble about something while peeling off their skates.

We were having fun...

Why was he here ?

Ugh what am I thinking...it's the city it's not like he came here looking for me. 

He was still here though and I didn't want to be anywhere near him that's why my shoulders drop in relief as Kenna taps my shoulder and lets me know we're going to the car.

We make our way slowly to the parking lot of the ice skating rink and as soon as we spot JT's car Kenna and I are speed walking towards it. 

We get to the car but before Kenna lets me step in she spins me around to face her and I can tell she has something to say.

"Yes ?" I question her odd gaze traveling all over my face.

"Okay I know the reason that Elias is here." She says suddenly and my heart stutters at the mention of his name. 

"What. What do you mean ?" 

"I called him the other day to let him know what a piece of shit he is and well he sort of told me..." Kenna starts but then suddenly is unsure about whether she wants to finish her statement or not because she's not even looking at me anymore her gaze travels up to where i'm about ninety nine percent sure the reason for all this chaos is.

I feel him before I can see him. The way he towers over me and he's blocking the sun that's now setting and the heat of his body is so close to mine i'm beginning to feel warm from it. 

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