#1- Zel.

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(This is when jake started middle school as a 12yo 6th grader)
Jake groaned heavily, smacking his alarm clock up.
He sat up tiredly and look at the blurry alarm clock, '7:34!?' He jumped out of bed, rushing the get his binder than clothes on, combing his hair and smacking his shoes on before rushing out into the hallway, crashing into the wall. A door beside the wall clicked open and out came Zoey. (Zoey and Jake are siblings, make me wrong.) "Jesus Jake chill the fuck out! The tardy bell doesn't ring until 8:30!"
J "I know but I hate being late!" Zoey fully got out her bedroom and pulled Jake up.
"You should be glad it wasn't Caleb's door idiot!" Another door far down the hallway opened angrily. "Hey girls stop fucking yelling at 7:40 in the damn morning!" Both Zoey and Jake flinched from Caleb's yelling, he was always harsh on them. "Sorry Caleb..." Zoey said and took jake back into her room. "Wait why am I in here?" "To keep you out of Caleb's way until I'm done, which shouldn't be long!" Zoey spent a full 10 minutes of getting ready. She wasn't lying. Zoey grabbed her backpack and looked at Jake, they were practically the same height! "Brother you look like shit.." "wha- how?!"
"Your stupid ass needs to learn style, which I will teach you when we get home, now c'mon!" She grabbed Jake's hand and dragged all the way to school, strong motherfucker...

Once Zoey and Jake reached the school gates, She let go of Jake's hand. "Now Jake remember, to the school, we are not siblings so no sibling interaction got it?" Jake nodded. "Good! Now enter after me." Zoey put on her other persona and walked into the school, after a minute or two jake entered aswell.

He wanted today to be normal, even with his old bullies that sometimes still bully him, He wanted to have a good and normal day today.
He went to his locker, grabbed his schedule and stuff and went his first class.

Jake walked into the classroom and surprisingly enough not any of his classmates were here for a Monday. His teacher, Mrs.Watterson, spotted jake.
"Good morning jake! Please take a seat while waiting for the other teens." She smiled gently and Jake gave a small smile back before finding his seat and sitting down, taking out his sketchbook and drawing.


Jake flinched and looked up, a Girl..? Boy..? He couldn't tell but they were clearly running to get here before the bell. "Sorry I'm late Mrs.Watterson! I got caught up with sonic slushies!" Mrs.Watterson giggled at the person's excuse and put her pen down. "It's alright Zel, but since this is a new year, that means seat arrangements! Which also means, Zel you're next to Jake." She smiled at Zel. Jake looked at Zel then at Mrs.Watterson. 'uh oh.' he thought. Zel looked at Jake and smiled, walking over to the seat they were arranged. "Hello Jake! I'm Zel, as you should've heard by the teacher." Zel put their hand out to shake. Jake looked at Zel's hand then at them and took their hand, shaking it. "I-I'm Jake, nice to meet you <:)"

 "I-I'm Jake, nice to meet you <:)"

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•Memory ended. Return to the present?•


•Returning to present now.•

Zel shook jake, trying to wake him up so they could go to lunch. "Jakeeeeee!" Zel shook him harder until He heard groaning. "Ughhhh, what Zel...." "Finally! Jake, It's fucking lunch time!" Zel showed the time on his phone. "Oh.." Zel put his phone back. "What do you mean, 'oh' ? I said we were gonna go eat at the bakery today!" Jake immediately jumped out of his seat, surprising Zel. "Bakery?! Let's go!" Jake grabbed Zel's hand and ran out of the classroom, heading for the entrance doors. While they ran the Jomies caught sight of them. "Hey Jake!" Drew said blandly before Jake ran past him while holding Zel's hand. "...why are they running?" Henry asked, confused as fuck. Drew shrugged and went back to looking at gachagram.

With Jake and Zel•

Jake finally reached the bakery and slowed down, catching his breathe. "Jesus Jake, ran through the whole fucking 10 minutes of getting here!" Zel said, looking at his family bakery. "Yeah *pant* cool huh?" Jake said, finally regaining all the needed oxygen. "Yeah but you didn't need to run!" "Well don't blame me for your family's delicious pastries!" Zel giggled and pulled Jake Inside the bakery. The bell rang, signalling someone came in and the cashier looked up, spotting Jake and Zel. "Ahhh Our regulars! Jake and Zel!" Zel nodded and let go of jakes hand. "Yup your two favorites, the gay duo!"
"Hahah very funny Zel." Jake said, He wasn't just gay, He was the ultra gayy! "Anyways what would y'all like today?"
Zel and Jake looked at each other then at the pastry choices then back at each other. " Birthday cake muffins! " They said in unison. The cashier chuckled,
"Ok two Birthday cake muffins coming right up! That'll be 6.50." Zel gave him $7. "Alright thanks Daniel!"
Daniel nodded and put the cash in the register. Jake and Zel found a booth and sat down.

A few fucking gay joking minutes later.

The duo heard the bell ring and looked at who just entered and saw.....

The music club?!


Alright that's the end, thank you for reading #1 and sorry that I keep leaving my books on #1 I swear I'll continue this one. Anyways bye!

928 words

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