6- The Truth of Mr.Mysterious.

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Ooh, chapter 6 eh? I haven't gotten this far in any of my books so this is truly amazing! Anyways I'm glad your enjoying my book and I just wanted to let you know that it goes from night to the morning where equals the school day <33

Anyways enjoy!
"Who's this..?" She whispered to herself and went to the side of the bed.



She looked at the sleeping boy with mostly surprise and curiosity, like, what was one of the clubs bullies doing in Sean's bed?! Did Sean do the devils tango with him?!

Milly immediately removed those thoughts from her head with a shake.
No, not possible, we're all minors still and Sean is asexual! But why is he in Sean's bed? What happened? WHY IS THERE BLOOD?!

Milly spotted the bloody bandaged arm and freaked out, almost screaming really.

She covered her mouth and slowly peeled the blanket off Jake a little, revealing his arm more. "Oh my Athena.." She said in a whisper, as much as she wanted to poke it, that would probably wake him up so she decided against it.

She found Sean, and Jake's jacket sitting together on a chair so she grabbed Jake's first and went through the pockets, finding only a piece of paper.

'What's this? Drugs? An address? Money?!' Her curiosity got the best of her and she opened the paper.

Her eyes read the paper, but nothing about the contents was what surprised her, it was the back of the paper that did.

'....Who's James? I know Drew, Henry, and Liam are Jake's bully buddies but who's James?' She put the paper back into Jake's jacket pocket and searched Sean's next, finding his phone out of all things.

'Ooo, well I'm lucky his phone doesn't have a lock on it!' She swiped up, and it unlocked easily, with a silent cheer, she went through his messages to see why Jake was even here and in his bed.


'Oh?' She clicked on the 'Jake :o' contact, only ever assuming it was Jake, she saw the messages but... 'These trail back to middle school? But I thought we all didn't know each other since high school began?' She scrolled all the way back to the beginning of their messages, they started texting when Sean was in 6th grade, so Jake must've been in 5th grade.

Milly screenshots all the messages between Sean and Jake, sending the screenshots to her phone, and deleting the screenshots from Sean's image back-ups.

Putting Sean's phone back after she turned it off, she looked at Jake again, if she were honest, she liked the peaceful and quiet Jake, even if it meant he was asleep.

She opened the window quietly and jumped out of it and onto a bush, more specifically the one the group used to spy on Sean with, which scared the shit out of Luke, Hailey, and Zander.

"Jesus Milly, what the fuck was that?!" Zander yelled out, he was lucky that the ones inside couldn't hear him, well...

One could.

The 4 made a commotion outside, and the window was still open, so...

Guess who woke up.

(With Jake.)

He slowly opened his eyes, ears being filled with loud sounds of yelling from the window, covering his ears with the pillow. '...pillow?' He sat up and saw he wasn't in a car or in the hospital, instead he was in someone's bed.

"AH-" He fell out the bed, and onto the floor with a thud, which had made the people making a commotion outside become silent.

Footsteps were heard rushing upstairs and the door was rushed open, Zel was in the doorway and looking at him with a heavy amount of worry and concern.

"Are you okay?!" He slipped his hands under Jake's shoulders and lifted him up onto the bed, Jake still wondered how Zel was always so strong and tall.

"I- I'm okay.." He said quietly, but next thing that happened was Sean and Zoey barging into the room and lights were turned on.

Zoey jumped on Jake, pulling him into a mama bear hug "Don't do that again you little shit! You scared the SHIT out of me!" Jake chuckled and hugged her back. "Well I'm sorry that I worried you Zoey, it's just I didn't want you getting hurt, and plus, that vase was kind of long so it's bare luck that you didn't injured!" She pulled off Jake, a smile was on his face while Zoey had tears and snort on hers.

She wiped her face and continued hugging her twin brother. "So you guys are siblings?" Jake looked at Sean, a nervous smile now. "Yeah, sorry we didn't really tell you, it's just, we're used to hiding the fact that we're twins! So when you came around it never really.. popped in my head."

"It's fine, I'm just a little surprised, the only similarity between you two is your hair and skin!" He said, he ain't racist though-

"Dude that's what I thought when I first found out aswell, but then again when you've known Jake and Zoey practically your whole life, there's actually alot of things that are the same about them." Zel spoke up with a smile on her face, remembering the happy memories she has with Jake and Zoey.

"Yeah, the first thing you'll find out about us that's the same is that we both hide our kind personalities at school. Well Zoey does, I try but it's kind of hard!" Zoey let go of Jake and plopped on the bed next to him, Jake looked at Zoey with a silent chuckle.

Zel handed Zoey some wipes to clean off the eyeliner and mascara that stained her face when she cried, and Zoey gladly took it, cleaning her face. "How old are you all again?" Sean asked, he never did ask before.

"I'm 18, Jake and Zoey are 17, almost 18 though." Zel said, they all were just about 18, oof-

"Oh really? Your my age Zel, that's interesting! But does that mean your like a senior right?" Sean asked as of interest.

"Yes actually, but I always skip the classes I dislike so that I can make sure Jake and Zoey are okay. I'm actually pretty well-known with the Juniors and sophomores!" Zel happily spoke about the information.

They all heard something from outside before Sean, or anyone really, could say something else.

Sean having went to investigate by looking out the randomly open window, he thought that maybe it was his mom or dad coming home early but that thought was immediately dismissed when he saw the music club quietly, not quietly enough, whispering to each other, Milly and Zander fighting over the situation with Sean, Zoey and the 'Mysterious Person'.

"GUYS?!" Sean yelled out of surprise, not really expecting anyone to be around here but the ones in their respective homes.

The group looked up at Sean, immediately Zander hit the back of Millys head and yelled at her for getting them caught.

"Hey Sean...-" Hailey said first.
I finished this at 3am so please help, I'm glad you people are actually even reading this with my terribly fast writing.

It's so fucking hard to stay in one Fandom for even a month😭😭😭

Anyways I'm glad you guys read this crap.
Love you all like a writer would their reader and please take care of yourselves.

1278 words.

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