5- Poor Jake 🤭

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"So let's go put them on!"

The group nodded and went to Luke's car.
After Jaques (incase you forgot, that's Sean's dad.) had finally finished pulling out the glass, and had set aside the tray full of glass pieces and bits, He washed the bloody towel and put it under Jake's arm again.

Jake was trying to stop crying, while Zoey let him lean her, Jake's jacket was sitting on one of the waiting chairs in the room, Sean was sitting beside the door, it was cracked open so if Jaques needed him, he was right there.

Jaques finished fixing Jake's arm by bandaging it up and handing him some painkillers. Zoey kindly used her hand to push it away. "He's getting used to the sting of pain, once he does, it'll be okay." She gave the doctor a reassuring smile and he nodded.

"What about you Miss, do you have any injuries?" Jaques asked as he started to put away the bloody tools and supplies.

"Uhm, what do you know about scars? Cause I have a few on my arms but I never did self-harm, and no one ever harmed me on the arms." She asked him, pulling down one of his gloves.

Scars were scattered all over her wrist, but it continued onto her hand and up onto her shoulders, it seemed to look that way anyway.

"Hm." He inspected her arm, pressing lightly on the scars scattered upon her arm. " it's nothing that I know of yet, I'm sorry Miss, but if your waking up from a dream or nightmare and these happen to appear, then you might wanna give one of the local witches or exotists in this town a call."

Zoey nodded and slipped her glove back on, Jake feeling this move of adjustment, groaned. "Oop-"

Zoey fixed his position, his head on her shoulder, but still sitting up. His bandaged arm sitting on his lap, and a pained expression told Zoeu that maybe it was time to go. "Dr.Everett?"

"Yes ma'am?" He stood up and closed the cabinet.

"Can you get Sean, it's time we get home."

"Oh, of course, but just really quick."
Zoey looked at him with a curious expression.

"Will you be staying at my house? Cause if so then it's okay.."

Zoey thought for a second, Sean never really told them where he would take them, but either way they sleep in a hotel or his house or not, they still need somewhere to stay. "Uhm-, yes we will, we won't be intruding, will we?"

"Oh no, of course not! If anything I'm glad, since me and Sean's mother have to work all the time, I only know that it's really lonely for him at the house, so if anything, I'm glad!" Jaques smiled, and Zoey smiled, if she was bring honest, Jaques gave off that motherly vibe.

(Real quick! Both Sean's parents are transgender, so if your wondering how they made Sean, well...)
(Let's just say his mother never got rid of the pickle down there.)

Jaques pushed the door open a little more to see where Sean was, only to see that he was right beside the door, waiting. "Sean."

Sean jumped and looked up faster then me when I'm scared😭. "Oh! Dad! Hi!"

Jaques laughed lightly at his son's reaction. "Sean, your friends are ready to leave.

Sean nodded and got up, going into the room. "You ready?" He asked Zoey.

She looked at him, then at Jake. "Uh, can you carry him on your back, he's a little heavy for me.." Sean blinked.

"Sure, but is he unconscious or...?"

"Yeah, too much pain I suppose, but once he wakes up, he won't feel a thing."
Sean nodded as Zoey loaded Jake onto Sean's back.

"What the fudge?" Sean said, Jake was lighter then a feather, and he looks so like, heavy too. (Not fatshaming)

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