7- Ouch?

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I'm running out of titles but I'll have to go as I work, if you guys have any titles I could use, I'm entirely grateful.

The group looked up at Sean, immediately Zander hit the back of Millys head and yelled at her for getting them caught.

"Hey Sean...-" Hailey said first.


Jake looked at Zel and Zoey who were looking at Sean, Sean looked back at the three of them and just wordlessly ran out the door.

Back down with Zander, Hailey, Millie, and Luke - Zander and Millie were bickering with Luke trying to calm them down while Sean had opened the front door, Hailey being the only one who noticed, but she had a guilty look on her face.

Sean cleared his throat and caught the other threes attention. They all looked at him. "Uhm.. Come inside first."

Hailey went inside first then Luke as he dragged Millie and Zander inside to keep them from fighting again.

Sean closed the door after everyone was in, Jake, Zoey, and Zel were still upstairs so that wasn't gonna a problem, hopefully.
"So, why were you guys like, eavesdropping on my personal business? Doesn't the school teach you the mannerisms of not doing that or something?" Sean was disappointed to say the very least, maybe a little angry but he wasn't gonna lose his shit just because, although most people (the author) would.

"Ah, well..." Hailey started off

"I guess it started with you not answering our texts or calls, that gives a good scare especially since you usually answer fast." Luke remembered.

Hailey continued. "After we got to the hospital, Ms.Lopez told us that you weren't at the hospital even though your car was still there, I guess we got suspicious so then Millie came up with the idea to wear costumes and to follow you, Luke was the only one who was thinking clearly at the time though. I was just really worried yet suspicious." She shamefully admitted.

"My idea was great by the way, the best idea I've had all year." Millie gave a proud smile but then Zander smacked the back of her head.

Sean looked between the four, Hailey, Zander, Millie, then Luke and sighed. "Well did you get your answer on why I was at the hospital?" He asked.


"Good, I think it's best if we keep it that way, and no matter how suspicious you are, you shouldn't eavesdrop on someone else's business. That's technically an invasion of the privacy." Sean crossed his arms.

The four nodded. "I will probably never suggest eavesdropping again... even though it was kind of fun..." Millie pouted.
Zander got ready to slap her head again but Luke stopped him this time and Zander backed off.

"Well can I get a sorry from you four? Please?" Sean asked, he did deserve a apology from them, they invaded his privacy of business! Very disrespectful.

"Sorry!" The four yelled at him, the apology echoed throughout the house as Sean had to cover his ears from how loud it was.

"Jesus- alright it's fine, just go home please, it's getting late." Sean told them. The four nodded and waved back to Sean, Millie doing the happiest.

Once his front door closed, he let out a heavy ass sigh and fell onto his couch. A pair of footsteps were heard coming downstairs. "A-... Are they gone?" Jake peeked at Sean.

Sean jumped from his couch, sitting up. "Uhm-" he rubbed his face. "Yeah, they're gone. What's up?"

"... I'm hungry-" He chuckled awkwardly, scratching the side of his cheek.

Sean looked at Jake, remembering that he had a injured arm that would be likely not to move for a week or so. "Oh right, your arm. I'll see if my parents are coming home tonight, if not, I'll probably make something or order doordash. "

"Your mom works?" Was Jakes first question💀. Jake's mom works aswell, but she's barely ever home so Jakes dad and him had to take care of Milo. Random fact... btw...

Sean gave him a weird look. "Uh, yeah? If she didn't, we wouldn't have this awesome ass house." He spread his arms open, referring to the TV commercial looking house that was so clean. Jake nodded and sat on a chair beside the couch Sean was on.

"You do have a lovely house, wish I had a house like this." Jakes wish is one I share! Sean's house is spacious and clean, very perfect for parties and having a large member family.

Sean looked at Jake, who was looking around Sean's house, and felt a small heat on his cheeks. Sean cleared his throat which caught Jakes attention, turning to look at Sean.

"I better go check my kitchen for uh.... Something! Yeah, you stay or go back upstairs I don't care, just don't snoop into something you shouldn't!" Sean stood up and smiled, speed walking to the kitchen.

Zel and Zoey came downstairs after a minute, they were talking about the situation that was happening and what to do. (The situation with Jakes shit mom, that I have epically designed.)

Jake was spaced out, he forgot where his phone was and didn't have the strength to get up and get it so he was just sitting there with his head back and staring at the ceiling. When the two had seen Jake like that, they were confused and - with a push from Zoey - Zel poked Jake's face.

Jake looked at her.

Zel looked at him.

(Yawns in pov change)

Sean was sat on a stool in his kitchen, his phone in front of him, was on, and had the messages app open.

It was on his moms messages, she had told him that she wasn't be home today. Sean lifted his head, a sad look on his face. Dad had told him before he left that he wasn't gonna be home either so...

Sean sighed. Time to provide for himself and others per usual...

Sean picked up his phone just as he received a text message from the Music Club group chat.

Millie😈: *Sent 4 images.*

YAY!!! I got chapter 7 out ☺️
I'm sorry this took so long to get out, I just kinda fell out of the fandom and then got back in with the new episode sooo

Anyways! Have a good day, bye!

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