C3: Of course

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"I would like that..." he replied, hesitantly. Walking along the beach with a celebrity and then being invited by said celebrity inside their house for tea is definitely NOT what Tommy had in mind when he decided to go on a walk today, but here he is.

"Wonderful!" You smiled as you clasp your hands together, "Let's go inside for a bit, yeah?" You said as you guided the boy into the house, "Sorry for all the trouble you had to go through today 'cause of me" you gave of a nervous chuckle.

"Oh it's no big deal! Really- would've done it for anyone." Tommy smiled as the two of you entered the house and sat down on the nearby couch, "I should be the one thanking you," He continued, "I mean, you just let a complete stranger like me, walk you home and even went as far as inviting me in for tea!" He paused for a moment, "Ok, no offense Y/N, but now that I'm saying this out loud you're a bit of an idiot-"

"I knew I wasn't the only who thought of that!" Devi butted in, "For all we could know, you could be a serial killer!" you laughed nervously, "I guess I am a bit foolish-" Tommy let out a small chuckle at your remark.

"We still don't know if you aren't a serial killer tho, so I'll be keeping my eye on you Tommy, whatever your last name is." Devi said simply, but it still makes Tommy shiver. Why was this woman so intimidating? I guess we'll never know! "Anyways, do we have any preference for tea? Maybe some for snacks?" The girl casually changed the subject. "Oh not at all, no, anything would be fine-" Tommy responded a bit bashfully.

"I mean, you aren't a serial killer tho, are you?" You asked with a sheepish smile, "Oh no no no-" Tommy retorted, "I am absolutely nOt a serial killer! I'm pretty sure I don't have the physical capability for being one if I'm being honest-" he laughed nervously, you laughed with him, "Good, good- just making sure!" You gave off a soft smile that Tommy couldn't help but blush at, I mean, anyone would.

"But really Tommy, I would appreciate it if you didn't tell the public about my whereabouts-" you said, in a bit more of a serious tone than earlier "Oh of course, no one would like to be doxxed! A lot of my friends would have the same thoughts, so I completely understand" he said, reassuringly, "Doxxed?" You repeated the word in a questioning tone, "It basically means getting your private information, like your address and such, leaked on the internet." The blonde explained, you nodded, "I see, yeah you're right, nobody would want that- I'm glad we're on the same page!" Tommy nodded, "Of course!"

Devi then walked in with a tray with a tea set and biscuits, formal and a bit old fashioned, I know, but that's how the L/N's like it. "Tea's ready!" She announced as she put the tray on the coffee table in front of the two. "Ah wonderful, thank you Devi!" You smiled at your assistant as she smiled back, "Come on then, sit with us Dev, you prepared the tea, you should be able to drink and enjoy it too!" Devi smiled at your remark as she sat down next to you, mumbling a small "Thank you."

"Let's enjoy our tea then!" You said as you poured yourself a cup, adding any sugar or whatever you'd like on your tea, Devi and Tommy doing the same, after you. You all sat in a comfortable silence as you enjoyed your tea, Tommy honestly isn't a tea person, but he didn't want to be rude, considering how hospitable you've been.

You decided to speak up to say one thing before continuing on finishing your tea.

"Oh, and Tommy?"


"I'd appreciate it if you kept this interaction of ours between only us."

"Of course."

. . .

Tommy walked along the beach once more, towards his apartment. He's had enough excitement for today.

After having tea at your place you got a phone call, from what he assumes, is a producer of some sorts. It seemed important so he excused himself, not before you thanked him again and showing him out the door. You seemed like a genuinely nice person and despite how awkward it kinda was, he enjoyed the experience.

STORYBOOK ROMANCE [Tommyinnit x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now