8. Truth Or Dare?..
"Im bored!" Louis shouted across the room jumping up and down "Me too!" Beth also shouted joining in with Louis. "Lets play Truth Or Dare" Harry said with a evil smirk.
"Ok sounds fun, who's star..." I was cut off by a very excited Louis "ME,ME,ME" i jumped back and landed on Harry's lap, "Sorry Harry" i blushed and he smiled "It's alright hun" his beautiful eyes almost made me faint, i was about to go and sit next to Danny when Zayn flopped down next to her. I looked around and there was no space, i turned round to look at Harry "Do you mind if i stay here?" He smiled "Sure" we got a few 'ooooos' every now and again from Liam but i just shot him glares.
"Ok i pick..........Zayn, truth or dare?" All eyes turned to Zayn. "Truth" Louis rubbed his chin in thought "Ok, how many times have you had sex?" We all burst out laughing and i almost fell off Harry's knee but he grabbed me in time.
He's so cute........ <3
"Emmm....,Do i have to answer?" Louis laughed and so did we "Yes now go!" Zayn put his face in his hands and sighed "Fine.......3" we all looked at him with wide eyes, Zayn Malik had sex 3 times! So wierd....,
(A/N.... I don't know how many times Zayn's had sex sorry :) xx)
"Yeh yeh my turn!" He looked at us all then pointed to Kayla "Kayla truth or dare?" She replied straight away "Truth!" Zayn thought for a moment and asked her "How much 1D murchandise do you have?" She blushed and shook her head "Not telling" we all gave her a ' are you serious' look and she gave in "I'd say about 100 to 200 things" for us girls it was normal but to the boys it was strange "Ok my turn.........Harry truth or dare" He smiled and waved i couldnt help but laugh "Thats me, i pick dare!!" Kayla quickly thought of a dare "I dare you to......strip naked and run around in the gardern" we all giggled and he just shrugged his shoulders "Boys go check he does it!" I shouted, Harry gave a discusted look "What you trying to say? You don't wanna see this naked?" He hoverd his hand down his body and we all shook our heads no. "Fine! I don't wanna see you naked either!" We shouted good and all the boys skipped off. A few seconds later the boys were back "Wheres Harry?" I asked looking arpund when sudenly he apperared from the kitchen naked! I sheeled my eyes hoping i wouldn't have to see a very naked Harry. "Put some clothes on you slut!" I shouted and he ran off he came back seconds later with some pants on.
"Ok now i pick.......Scarlett" i looked up, oh no......
"Truth or dare?" All eyes were on me snd in the heat of the moment i said dare i recived a few 'oh god lord help you' looks from his band mates.
"I dare you to come in the bathroom with me and look at me naked" my jaw dropped, no way was i going to look ar him naked!
"Forfit!" Harry sighed and his face fell to a frown, i ran over and huged him but soon i was being dragged off into the bathroom. My screams of help were un heard i gave The girls a 'Thanks love you too' look and they just shrugged his shoulders.
"Ok now no sex you too, especialy you Harry!" Louis shouted and he whisperd something to me "If he starts to get horny just shout Carrots" i smiled and gave him the thumbs up before trying to escape this horrible dare. Soon i was locked in a bathroom with Harry Styles "You know this is rape!" He smiled, his dimples showing upon each cheek "Don't worry i won't make you, but if you want just tell me" and he wiggled his eye brows i shook my head and banged on the door "Is there any particular reason why you don't want to see me naked?" I rolled my eyes and follded my arms. "Yes, im not a whore" he chuckled "Well......."
I gave him a 'your dead' look "Just kiding and BTW my nakedness would atract you " he smiled and soon we were let out.
"Ok now my turn....emmm......Danny, truth or dare" knowing Danny she would pick dare, luckerly she did. "I dare you too.........Snog Zayn!" Her jaw droped and she looked at Zayn, i knew she wanted to but she didn't want to look like a slut so she sat still "Oh just do it!" Louis shouted pushing their heads together and soon they were off.
3 muinets later we rasumed the game. "Ok Louis truth or dare?" He stood up and jumped on Niall "Truth, im having a change" Liam gave him a 'I thought you'd gone through all that' look and he just laughed "Ok out of every girl here who would you most want to have sex with?" He narrowed his eyes at everyone scaning them up and down "Emm.......I'd have to pick Scarlett" i blushed and blew him a kiss.
Did Louis Tomlinson just say out of five girls he'd most like to have sex with me?.....Eeeeeep
"My turn!! Emmm Maya truth or dare?" Maya always did truth.
"Truth" Louis sighed "Ok out of all the boys here who would you most like to have sex with?" She bit her lip and pointed to Harry knowing that Liam (Her favorite) was off bounds.
"My turn.......Scarlett truth or dare?" I picked dare knowing that Maya's dare would be crap.....I was wrong.....
"I dare you to snog Harry" i gave her a death glare and rememberd i had a boyfriend so i could back out "Can't i have a boyfriend..." I could feel Harry's face fall then Beth shouted out "Not now Kayla and i just dumped him for ya" she smiled at me.
Inside i was like yes! I really hated going out with Nate he's so boring but yet i thought, shit now i have to snog Harry. Even though i dearly wanted too.
"Come on babes" and Harry held his arms open i sighed and leaned in. He's such a great kisser, they way his lips moulded with the shape of mine. It was like it was ment to be, i forgot we were still playing the game so i quickly pulled away. I slouched down next to him resting my head on his shoulder "Your a great kisser" he whisperd into my ear i smiled "You too".

Take a chance on me..
Fanfiction"Come on Scarlett! I'm perfect for you!" Harry whined as he reached out for my arm "I don't know Harry..." I pulled away as Niall spun me round to face him, "I hate to make you choose Scarlett, but we need to know.." I sighed as Louis spun me round...