12. Oh No Harry....
When we arived home the boys still wern't back, we dumped our bags on the kitchen counter and all took a seat on a bar stool.
"Who's making dinner?" I asked eyeing Beth as it was her turn, she sighed and raised her hand.
"Fine i'll make it! You bitches are so lazy!" We giggled and she stormed off.
"Noodles ok?" She held up a packet of Chilli Chicken noodles. Yum My Favourite! We all nodded And Broke off into differnt conversations. I turned to Kayla.
"So what ya think bout Danielle and Eleanor?" She asked grining like a chesire cat
"They seem really nice, plus their extreamly beautiful!" She nodded in agreement. Ther was a uncomforting silence between us, i soon broke it.
"Can you belive that were friends with One Direction?!" She shook her head and squelled, so did i
"Their so funny and absaloutly adorable! Espicaly Niall....." She looked at the floor and blushed, i nudge her gently and she looked up at me
"Make a move! He seems to like you." She shrugged her shoulders and i rolled my eyes
"Seriously? Don't play that card Kayla you know it pisses me off!" A crooked smile played upon her lips
"I'm not.....it's just........i'm scared of him rejecting me...." My jaw dropped
"Kayla you are truely one of the most beautiful girls i have ever seen in my life! Don't cut your self short!"
"Thanks Scarlett but i can tell i'm not his type....."
I am seriously going to explode in a minute!
"Kayla stop being a total dick and grow some balls and ask him out!" She gave me a look but i just waved it off
By this time i was ready to fucking drown the girl! She was being so arkward, you can tell he likes her by the way he looks at her. But no, she just can't be happy she has to sit alone thinking she looks like some sort of troll! Well heres a wake up call Kayla, your frigging hot. Show it off!
"Ready!" Beth anounced, we all dived for a plate. We sat quietly eating our delicious meal untill Danny broke the silence
"This is some real good noodles!" We all giggled and continued to eat in silence.
Soon we had finished and me and Maya offerd to clean the dishes. A few minuites after we had findhed cleaning the boys walked in.
"Yo yo ladies vas happenin?" I instanly new it was Zayn speaking without looking.
"Not much, you guys have fun?" Kayla replied eyeing Niall.
"Not really.." Harry replied holding his left cheek whilest his band mates laughed. We looked at the boys as they sat
"Harry gave the interviwer his number and......well.....she punched him in the face.." Louis said inbetween laughing, we all joined in at the exact same moment.
"It's not funny! She was hot..." We continued to laugh, once everyone had finished shitting themselves with laughter we broke off into differnt conversations. In the corner of my eye i saw Harry and Louis run off, i turned round to see where they had ran off to but they had already gone. I returned to listerning to Zayn and Danny arguee about who spends more time on their hair..
I love Danny and all but Zayn wins this round.....it's just so lush and big! Sorry Danny :)
Everyone fell silent, Beth and Maya gasped and held their hand over their mouth and Danny hid her face in Zayn's shoulder. The boys smiled and stared at me and Kayla.
What was so funny they were dying to laugh? Had someone drew something on my face?
Sudenly Harry and Louis lept over the sofa with a water gun each. I gave Harry a evil smile
"Do you surender?" Louis whisperd to us we shook our heads and the boys exchanged a look and nodded
"CARROTS!" Louis burst out squirting us with water, we made a b-line for the bathroom but Danny and Zayn pushed us out the way screeming something like "No, No, not the hair!" I giggled and spotted the kitchen counter, i grabbed Kayla and threw her behind the counter. We were quickly followed by Liam,
"What have you girls got yourselves into?" We shrugged our shoulders and smiled.
I peered round the corner and saw Harry, i had a devious plan. We needed the gun!... I slowly crept over to him and tied his shoe laces together. I was soo lucky i didn't get caught!
There was a loud thud and a scream come from the other side of the counter, i didn't hesitate i ran round and grabbed the gun and pointed it at him "do you surender now you evil fiend!" He shook his head and i glared at him
"Never!.....But.....HELP!" He screached at the top of his voice, once again Louis came flying over at me, this time i moved out the way so he landed on top of Harry, soon everyone was pilled on top of the two boys. Unfortunatley Paul picked that moment to walk in
"What's happerning here?" He asked shutting the door behind him, we all stood up,
"Ever head of a doorbell?" I mutterd under my breath, Harry smirked and nudged me slightly i looked up at him and smiled.
"Nothing.......just fell asleep?.." Zayn mutterd we all laughed
"Well don't you guys have some explaining to do!.." He held up the newspaper with me and Liam on it, we glanced at each other and turned back to Paul.
"It's nothing, we were just talking" Liam answerd i nodded and added on to Liams comment
"You can see Maya in the background we just went shopping" everyone nodded and Paul sighed.
"Well it's got a lot more out of contex now, people have asked Liam if he got you pregnant and i think i should warn you, you will get a lot if hate mail VIA twitter, facebook, instagram and so on" my face fell, i opend my mouth to speak but no words came out
"And Liam this has effected you greatly, you may have to go home for a while" Paul added a glint of sadness in his eye. Liam's face fell but he quickly replied "What why? It's just a artical about me dating Scarlett it's nothing too bad we get it all the time!.." The boys nodded and mutterd a few 'yeh' and 'true'
"I know but people are asking if you got her pregnant, their messing up your innocents" he glanced at me and then Liam,
What have i done?...i'v ruined everything! If stupid Danny hadn't of fucking given them our numbers we wouldn't be in this bloddy sutuation!
"NO! You can't make Liam go home!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, tears were falling down my cheeks and Harry held me tightly.
"Scarlett there's nothing more we can do to stop this.." He sighed and sat down on a chair, i tried to break free of Harry's gasp but he was too strong
"Paul your making a big deal out of nothing, so what if people think she's pregnant. Let them! If your that desperate to make this go away we can just stay in here for a while!" Louis said calmly messing with Niall's hair
"Hmm.........Fine, but if i see any of you leave this house your all dead!" I wiped my eyes and Harry let me go,
I looked up at him and he smiled. The next thing i know i was hugging Harry tightly, we were then dragged into a massive group hug.

Take a chance on me..
Fanfiction"Come on Scarlett! I'm perfect for you!" Harry whined as he reached out for my arm "I don't know Harry..." I pulled away as Niall spun me round to face him, "I hate to make you choose Scarlett, but we need to know.." I sighed as Louis spun me round...