23. Interview
We've been in New York for 2 days now andit's AMAZING! Plus sharing a bed with Niall isn't that bad, iv'e got to know a lot about him. He's very interesting he has thousands of stories to tell some funny some sad, i love being around him. I'd say we were best buds now.
Ok so today the boys have there interveiw and me and Kayla were invited to watch. The interview was a T.V interveiw so we sat in the audience, the T.V show's called: The Late Show, hosted by David Letterman. I haven't heard much about him but all i know is that he's very popular in America so this should be a great opertunity for the boys.
"5 minutes till were on guys! Get the boys on set!" The director yelled, me and Kayla stood at the side of the set and waited for the boys so we could wish them good luck before they went on stage. Two minutes later the boys huddled together by us at the side of the set,
"Good luck you guys" i whisperd
"Yeh and have fun!" Kayla shouted, we hugged them all before taking our seats ready for the show to begin.
A man in his late fifties with short grey hair strode onto tge set and took a seat on a chair, he placed his glasses firmly on the bridge of his nose before looking at tge camera.
"Hello and welcome to the Late Show with me David Letterman. Ok so tonight we have some very special guests, but first i'd just like to dish out some celeb gossip for all you teens, over to you Shannon" He smiled and looked over to the right side of the stage where a tall woman stood with beautiful blonde locks
"Thankyou David and todays gossip is about Taylor Swift, we spoke to her at the grammies and this is what she had to say" She pointed to tge screen as a short film played, after the film the attention was brought back to David as he introduced tge boys, my palms started to sweat and i started to hyperventetlate a bit but i didnt know why it's not like i'm up there i'm just sat in tge crowd.
"Hello there boys today i have a few questions for you and then we'll move onto the fans questions" the boys nodded as they slowly sat down on the green couch. David'squestions were boring but the fans were more exiting.
"Ok so Harry this ones for you, it's from @HarryStyle's_CupCake she says: Harry youv'e been keeping a low profile on the dating scheem, tell us what we've missed!" Harry smiled and took a breath before answering,
"Well @HarryStyle's_CupCake for starters i love your name and thats because i haven't been on a date recently, but i have got a date planed for tomorrow" he looked over at me and smiled. My body froze how could he tell everyone that! I wanted it to be low profile and it isn't even a date! I looked over at Kayla who hadn't seemed to notice Harry's hint. I calmed down and continued to listern.
"Ok now @FameIsTheGame wants to know what will we expect of you in 2013?" David asked eyeing Zayn, he caught on and responded
"Well we have a movie coming out in a couple of months, plus were planing a tour and hoping to write some more great songs" he smiled and patted Louis on tge head for some odd reason, i giggled and took a picture.
"Ok so there you have it that was One Direction catch you later on The Late Show" The camera cut off and everyone waddled off set and we went to greet the boys,
"Well done guys but Harry i beed a word with you" i said pulling him over to the catering table,
"What was that? Why did you tell everyone we had a date?" I asked, but he didnt reply "Harry!" He chuckled and grabbed a banana and peeled it open,
"Because we do.." I rolled my eyes and shook my head before walking back over to the boys and Kayla.
"Well done boys, you have the rest of the day off but remember tomorrow you have a photoshoot from 10 till 4" Paul said, the boys nodded and Paul walked off as the boys spun round to face us.

Take a chance on me..
Fanfiction"Come on Scarlett! I'm perfect for you!" Harry whined as he reached out for my arm "I don't know Harry..." I pulled away as Niall spun me round to face him, "I hate to make you choose Scarlett, but we need to know.." I sighed as Louis spun me round...