24. Date Crazy!
2 hours till my date with Harry, i'm extreemly nevous. What if he hates the real me?! Or what i'm wearing?! Or my past!? I know i'm stressing over nothing he'll love me, he's made that pretty clear and i'm sure the real me isnt any different to what he's already seen of me.
Anyway time to get ready, first i hop into the shower, then i dry and do my hair, next slip on my outfit (Blue and white striped, no sleeve dress with a bow) and my white pumps and cross body bag. Last of all my makeup, i didn't want to cake myself in makeup but i still wanted to look flawless so i applied:
Foundation (to cover my spots)
Blusher (just to make me look cuter)
Eye shadow (Blue to match my dress)
Little bit of mascara (make my lashes look longer)
And some baby pink lip gloss (sorta baby pink)
I had 10 minutes left, i spent this 10 minutes preparing and mentaly aranging the date so it couldn't go wrong.
"5 minutes left Scarlett, you ready?" Kayla asked, i nodded and took a deep breath
"I'm so scared Kayla!" My chest rose and fell with great speed as she sat down next to me,
"Don't worry babe he'll love you, you look amazing!" I gave her a weak smile.
"Right its time, go have fun. And rememeber be back by 10!" I smiled, took a deep breath and opened the door to reveal a very handsome looking Harry. He sported a pair of black skinny jeans, a white top, a black blazor and white converse. Not very flashy but i liked it.
"Ok so where are we going on this date?" He snaked his arm around my waist and brought his lips diwn to my ear. I felt his hot breath on my ear as he spoke,
"Somewhere special" i could feel his smile grow as he walked me out of the hotel and into the limo.
"The statue of Liberty please" my jaw dropped as i looked at him, his dimples prominent on his cheeks i giggled and whisperd into his ear: "Thankyou so much Harry" he smiled and gazed into my brown orbs as i did the same into his.
Eventualy we arrived, after a few cheeky comments were shared and Harry mentaly undressing me as i did the same we arrived at the statue of liberty.
We walked up the first bit but then we got a lift up to the top where a loverly table was set out.
"Do you like it?" He whisperd into my ear, i nodded and walked over to the table. Being the gentleman he is he pulled out my chair and i gracefuly sat down as he strode over to his chair.
"So, Harry. Tell me about yourself" I lent on my elbows and placed my cheeks in my hands
"What do you want to know?" He smiled as i opened my mouth to speak.
"Everything" i whisperd. He nodded and coughed before begining.
"Well i know you already know lots about me and a bit about my past before the X-Factor and One Direction but ill tell you it in more detail." He paused as i nodded for him to continue.
"Well i lived with my mum, Anne and sister Gemma. Unfortunatly my dad was away on buisness alot so i didnt see very much of him, this made me very close to my mum and sister. I was VERY protective over Gemma and i was very concerned about her even though i was about 14 and she was 19 i still felt like i was older. I worked in a local bakery i loved it there i miss the smell of bread and the occasional jokes between me and the customers." As i listened to him i stared into his green eyes, it was like they were telling me his story. It was breath taking.
"I had never been one with the ladies. I had 3 or 4 girlfriends thoughout high school and secondary school, sometimes i would get loney as my friends would all have girlfriends but me. Anyway my real names Harold if you didnt know and i'm 19. Well i think thats it....Oh wait an i have a crush on a beautiful tall brown haired girl, who's sitting infront of me right now" He smiled his dimples poping out of his cheeks, i smiled and blushed. I looked up to find him studding me, i brushed some of my hair out of my face and bit my bottom lip.
"No, don't do that Scarlett please" i frowned and stoped thinking he thought it was unapealing, when he atualy thought the oposite.
"Emm why?" He sighed and flicked his curls out of his eyes
"It makes you look so, beautiful! Hot! And it turns me on soo much to the extent when i cant hold it in anymore" i smiled and nodded,
"Oh i understand" i bit my lip once more as i watched Harry's features tighten with my movements.
We spent a good 3 hours talking and getting to know each other. I dont know why i was so scared Harry's amazing and he thinks the same about me. I wonder if we'll have a future together?...
"Thankyou for tonight, it was amazing" i looked up at Harry and smiled. Right then he leaned down and kissed me on the lips. It was different to Niall's, Harry was rougher, sexyier where as Niall's was slow and pasionate. The kiss was long and Harry's hands were placed firmly on my bum, i whinced as he placed his long fingers on eiter cheek.
"It's ok, i won't hurt you" he whisperd seductivly in my ear, i nodded and we reashumed our kiss.
We must have been kissing for a while because when we broke the limo driver was waiting for us in the lift. We drove back to the hotel and we walked up to our rooms, Harry lead me to my door before gently pushing me against it. His large hands were placed either side of me, i smiled and bit my lip.
"Scarlett, please don't.." He whimperd, but i ignored him i liked it when he seemed weak. I pulled his ear down to my mouth,
"Your amazing Harry" he pulled back to look at my face, i smiled.
"And so are you Scarlett" he leant down one more time, but this time he reached for my neck. He started to suck my senstive skin below my ear and lightly bitting it. I winced in pain and tried to push him off me but he wouldn't budge, i stood there powerless over the towering male who was curently sucking my neck. Soon he stoped biting and sucking and began licking it gently and leaving small kisses over the sore spot. He pulled away and stared at my neck before rubbing his thumb over it.
"Sorry about the pain, but i had to mark you mine" he smiled and kissed my cheek before walking off.
I opened the door and placed my hair over my neck so no one would notice.
"Sooo how was your date?" Kayla asked jumping about
"Good i really like him, he's umm nice" she smiled and opened the bathroom door.
"Everythings ready, take a shower and get ready for bed" i nodded and hugged her before shutting the door.
I peeled my dress off and washed my face, to my suprise the soft space under my ear was a bright purple an pink colour. I traced my fingers over the numv spot and flinched as my cool hand touched it.
A hickey. Harry had given me a hickey. Does this now mean i'm his? No matter what?! Well i'm not sure but all i know is that i am NOT a big fan of hickeys!
I stepped into the shower and did my usual rutine, i then stepped out and dried my hair slightly before tucking it up into a bun. I slipped on my p'j's and walked out of the bathroom. Oblivious to my hickey.
Everyone was asleep but Niall who sat up on our bed, i smiled and walked over to him. His eyebrows knitted together as he followed my gaze, i sat down on the bed and leant facing Niall.
"Everything alright Nialler?" He didnt reply, but just traced his nimble fingers over my neck.
"Did Harry give you this?" I gasped and pushed fingers away,
"No, no no or course not it was Nate" i smiled but Niall didnt buy it.
"No iv'e never noticed it before? Why did he do that to you! It's only your first bloody date!" Niall's voice begam louder and my attepmt to calm him down didnt help. He stood up and walked out of the room and dowm the hall, i sat on the bed shocked at what had happened.

Take a chance on me..
Fanfiction"Come on Scarlett! I'm perfect for you!" Harry whined as he reached out for my arm "I don't know Harry..." I pulled away as Niall spun me round to face him, "I hate to make you choose Scarlett, but we need to know.." I sighed as Louis spun me round...