7. Sleep Over!
After being kicked out of 3 shops we decided to come home.
"So.........what now?" I whisperd whilest opening the door, they must have heard me because Naill gave me a quick answer "Were free all week so you guys wanna have a week long sleep over?" We all smiled and nodded when sudenly Louis was dragging us all into a giant bear hug.
"I say we play hide and seek!" Beth shouted, she absaloutly loves to play kiddy games. Louis ran over to her side and nodded in agreement.
I looked at Harry and Kayla and nodded "Sure" Beth and Louis high fived and folled their arms across their chest in unison.
"Lets have teams!!" Louis screached "Boys against girls?" Liam asked over all the shouting and Louis nodded. The girls huddled together to make a plan, i'm rubbish at hide and seek i always get found first so the only hope we had was Beth, but im sure she'll lead us to victory. Every now and again one of the boys would flick their heads at us and we would do the same. When Harry looked at me i gave him a 'Your going down' look and he did the same and stuck his tounge out.
"Ok girls i say we pair up, Danny and Scarlett and Maya and Kayla, i'll go on my own. Now girls try not to get caught!" Beth whisperd to us checking every now and again that the boys wern't listerning. We all nodded and stood in a line and so did the boys.
"Ok now we play MY rules! If your found you must go to the dungeon" he gave a evil smile and so did the others
"Louis whats the dungeon?" I shouted across the room and every one nodded in agreement "God people you have the imagination of a 2 year old!" I put my hand on my heart and gasped, how dare he! I am very inaginitive. Beth being Beth knew what the so called dungeon was so she quickly ran into the middle "It's the bathroom for god sake people! Cheeez" she shot Louis a hopeful glare and he clapped his hands and walked over to her "See this girl has imagination, but first we havent really learnt your names girls" he said smiling and putting his arm over Beth's shoulders. We all stood in a line again
"Im Scarlett" i began
"Im Kayla"
"Im Beth"
"Im Danny"
"And im Maya"
The boys 'ahhhed' in unison and quickly snapped into serious mood. I dont like this!
"Us boys will be it" Niall ezclaimed eyeing me i just rolled my eyes and continued to listen.
Louis cleard his throwt "LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!" And we all dashed about, left right and center. Me and Danny hid under Maya's bed and the other hid eles where. We must have been huding for a good 10 minutes and no one had found us, "Yes no ones found us!" I wisperd to Danny and she nodded.
Then i heard foot steps, spoke too soon.
Zayn lifted the bed up and Harry grabbed us out "Haha got you, you prissy cats!" I raised an eye brow, prissy cats? What The Hell..... "Says you, you curly frie!" I smirked being draged off into the bathroom "Oh sure pick on the curly one!" I smiled and lightly punched him. "You know im joking right?" I could see a little glint of sadness in his eyes, they were a mesmerazing greeni was so mesmerazied by them i hadn't even notice that the game had ended.
"Scarlett, Scarlett, SCARLETT!!" I heard some one holler at me from a bedroom, as she was walking towards me i saw Harry run off into her room, it was Kayla i shook my head leaving my train of thoughts far behinde "What!" And she came trudging down the hall "I need help, NOW!" And with that she draged me into her room. They were wearing Kayla's underwear and putting on lipstick. I took this chance to do my finger whistle, ive been learing how to do that for years. I whistled and everyone looked at me "Right boys if you want to live get out" and i pointed to the door and everyone left but Louis and Harry. We folded our arms waiting for them ro leave.
"What if we think we can take you on?" Harry asked tapping his fingers on the table i tilted my head and rolled my eyes "Yeh right!" Louis was completly offended by this so he stood up imediatly "We could beat you in a prank contest with our eyes closed!" Harry nodded in agreement. Then we heard a little irish voice coming towards us, "What are you guys doing?" He plonked himself on the small sofa and messed about with a slinky.
"The girls challenged us to a prank contested" Harry explained fiddling with Louis braces, Niall stood up "No , trust me you don't wanna have a prank fight with those! You'll end up bald!" We shrugged our shoulders and shook hands with them "May the best man win..." Kayla whisperd and we walked off.

Take a chance on me..
Fanfiction"Come on Scarlett! I'm perfect for you!" Harry whined as he reached out for my arm "I don't know Harry..." I pulled away as Niall spun me round to face him, "I hate to make you choose Scarlett, but we need to know.." I sighed as Louis spun me round...