11. Coffe With Ma Girls
Eleanor met us at starbucks, she was even prettier in real life than on pictures, i know that sounds cheesy but it's true! She had a pair of dark blue denim shorts on over the top of some black tights and a turquoise tank top. Her and Danielle have been friends for a while now and us girls wanted to get to know them.
"So Danielle, Eleanor what's it like dating Liam and Louis?" Danny asked taking a sip of her latte,
"Well Louis's extreamly messy, but i can't complain so am I and he's a really funny sweet guys so it's just great spending time with him and the boys" Eleanor smiled and looked at Danielle, she nodded in agreement
"So how are you girls finding it with the boys? Have they mentaly killed you yet?" Danielle asked, a laugh escaped her thin lips
"There a lot of fun!" I commented looking around at the girls
"And there cute!..." Kayla added, we giggled and she blushed
"We agree they're perfectly georgous" Danielle giggled and sipped her coffe.
After about a hour or so we decided it was time to get back to the boys, we asked the girls if they wanted to join us but they both had plans. We agreed to meet up again soon just us girls, we waved goodbye and exited the shop. It was raining......typical Britain....We dashed for the car and pilled in.
"Everyone buckled up?" Danny asked looking through the rere view mirror, i gave her the thumbs up and she pushed he foot on the pedal.
(A/N.... The bit where it says:
.......typical Britain.....
Was taken from EmmaCatt, from her book 'Belive' it's a fan fiction so read it!!)

Take a chance on me..
Fanfiction"Come on Scarlett! I'm perfect for you!" Harry whined as he reached out for my arm "I don't know Harry..." I pulled away as Niall spun me round to face him, "I hate to make you choose Scarlett, but we need to know.." I sighed as Louis spun me round...