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t h i r t y - f o u r

Karlie had watched her in silence, since they've arrived here she hadn't said a word, and Karlie herself hadn't requested one either.

The look in her blue glimmer as she watched into the distance, it seemed as if she was thinking hard about something.

Karlie had noticed this had taken her by surprise, only letting out a gasp followed by silence.

They found themselves standing at the doorway, Taylor resting her head on the old wooden door, her hand still on the knob as she resisted going inside.

Her short strands covered her face, but Karlie could listen to her ragged breathing by now, a sign that she had been shedding tears.

The morning sun rays since they've arrived passed her hair, illuminating each fibre carefully, and her skin was tanned beautifully against the light. Perhaps she occasionally thought that this wasn't a good idea, coming back here.

Although it was something Karlie needed to do. This was what they had to overcome, the only thing left. Right where things began long ago, and from when momentarily, Karlie no longer existed for Taylor.

Taylor's lips released an extended sigh, lifting her head from the frame, Karlie watched her teary eyes smile, and her lip had carried a gentle tear.

Karlie pressed their lips softly against the girls', feeling them cold for a moment, and as she pulled away, her lip had been moist in a small spot also; cause of the tear that had been there not long ago.

There was a bench on the porch, a wooden one, which swung gently with the breeze from the shore.

Taking Karlie's hand in her own, Taylor walked them there, and sat down next to the model.

Not letting go of her hand, she joined their fingers and gave it a gentle squeeze, as to assure that she was there; with her.

"I haven't been in Newport since you left," began Taylor, breaking the silence.

When Karlie searched her face, Taylor looked towards the navy waters just a few meters from them, the wind moving her hair slightly behind her shoulders, bangs scattered in a tender mess across her skin. Beautiful and ever reminiscent.

The morning rays brought the blue from her eyes more vibrant, from the side her iris' could be even told clear.

Almost leaving Karlie breathless, the ever makeup lacking skin left all her small freckles around her nose, exposed.

When Taylor turned to match her stare, Karlie herself turned away, somehow shy she had been caught looking, just like when they had first been crushed, timid at almost every glance.

"I know," Karlie conjoined her loose hair and set it to the side, "that's why I decided to bring us here; where our beginning is,"

"But so is our end," Taylor retorted, "our first one,"

The last part of her sentence being somewhat playful, to what both girls chuckled.

"Yeah, out of the many, many times,"

Karlie's chest heaved in a sigh, this was the time. Showing partial comfort, Taylor pressed their hands together, and rested her head on Karlie's shoulder, Karlie brushed her flying strands and closed her eyes; her own chin resting on the girls head.

"I'm just," Karlie began, with a certain struggle in her voice, the sour memories resurfacing fresh in her mind, but the song of the birds and waves gentle hitting the sand became her poem of courage.

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