- r a i n -

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t h i r t e e n

The clouds above them were gray.

Wind against their skin was cool, the grass underneath them was discolored, lightly faded and leaves of all colors buried over it.

They walked side to side, Karlie wore faded jeans, with one of her old leather jackets. In fact, the material on her elbow was broken and slowly peeling off.

Taylor wore the same shirt from the prior morning, old jeans.

She felt comfortable wearing Karlie's shirt. All of her felt warm.

Her neck was lightly decorated with painfully desirable kisses from last night and this morning.

They walked side by side, occasionally stealing glances in the silence.

Sitting under a tree, Karlie brought out of a small basket; their lunch.

But by now it was late afternoon, and it wasn't really lunch.

Handing Taylor a simple sandwich, and a small juice box; which she had insisted they bring.

As they brushed hands, Karlie took a glance at Taylor and so did she, she gave her a small smirk, and her eyes said everything.

After treating herself, they both sat in silence on a white blanket; they were having a picnic.

While taking bites from her food, Karlie couldn't stop replaying everything that'd happened in the past day.

Her stomach fluttered with butterflies just thinking about how many times Taylor's lips had been on hers, how long her hands trailed over her body.

Hearing Taylor sigh, she looked over, and saw her looking up at the sky with a concerned and thoughtful sight.


Karlie sipped on her straw.


Taylor licked her lips before looking up again.

"Do you think it'll rain?"

Karlie stayed quiet, not sure herself if it would, but then again, she didn't care.

"Who knows, if it does, then it does."

Taylor nodded quietly.

Nothing more was said as they finished their lunch.

The silence was comfortable, her presence was comfortable.

Taylor stared at Karlie, watching her look out into the distance of the city.

By now they were a good half hour from the commotion.

Her eyes were stern, brows straight, she looked pale.

Taylor didn't remember any other time when she didn't seem more beautiful.

The lack of any makeup on her expression made her look adorable, but it was the entirety of Karlie that she loved.

It was like watching a piece of art come together.

Karlie had always been the cheery kind, the one to tease her.

But when they were in quiet moments like these, she almost never said a thing for herself.

She was a lonely soul in the moment, almost fragile. She was so thoughtful, it was poetic, mysterious, and enticing.

Taylor wondered what all she could be thinking, but a gentle smile from Karlie, swiped away her thoughts.


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