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• t h r e e •

The quiet door bells rung overhead as Taylor was welcomed with the sweet aroma of strong brewed coffee.

Quiet music on the inside made everything perfect. Soft tunes and guitar strums made the old café feel more home like. Small round tables with tall 70's rustic chairs decorated the center along with vintique items and paintings around the walls.

It was her style and she had already marked this place out of the many to come here in New York.

The passing taxis and busy cars outside made it a small secluded area, quiet and cozy.

After taking in the simplicity, she spotted Lena already at a table, waving dismissively to catch her attention.

With a small smile, she gave her a warming hug.

"Glad you could make it Taylor! It's about time you leave that apartment of yours."

Taking her seat across from the short girl, Taylor replied.

"Hey, if you had cats you would know how much of your time they demand. Cats are needy."

Lena scoffed.

"Sure they do, but I mean after your little incident with 'you know who'I wouldn't want to go out either."

Ending her sentence with a quiet voice, Lena realized she had made a mistake at mentioning Karlie, this wasn't a good way to convince Taylor to live life once again.

"Anyhow, ignore me. How about this place? Do you enjoy the great NYC?"

Taking a napkin from the center of the table, Taylor began to fold it as a way of distraction.

"Well, it's definitely big. But since I'm mostly alone it's hard to really enjoy it. I could forget it for a second but then at night when I'm alone in bed, it just comes right back."

Lena pursed her lips and sighed, hoping that her plan for tonight wouldn't make things worse for her sentimental friend.

"I see."

"-No worries my friend. Lena is here for your rescue."

Taylor sighed and rested her chin on her hand, as a sign of boredom.

"Alright let's see your rescue techniques."

Smiling widely, Lena countered.


Calling over one of the waiters, Lena ordered to regular coffee's. Strong, and she asked for a special kick which Taylor didn't object this time. She felt as if she needed a drink yet still wanted the comfort that coffee brought her.

Simple yet effective.

When Lena was giving special orders to the tall waiter which she found a dash handsome. Her heart dropped into her stomach.

Making contact with the person coming through the door, her throat instantly tightened and her blood went cold.


Karlie was here, and as soon as Taylor felt herself go weak, she looked right at her.

A look of surprise, and for a moment Taylor thought she saw a glimpse of regret in her eyes, as if she was going to walk right back out the door. But she didn't, all they both did was hold each other's stare.

Both of them feeling longing take over, Taylor holding all her might in to not run towards Karlie, and cry desperately whilst asking her where she had gone.

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