Part 1

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Okay, so according to Mr. Aizawa, Kirishima and Bakugou's room should be just down the hall here. You thought to yourself as you walked down the hallway. You were in your third year at UA and you were going to be attending a Hero Gala at the end of the week. By some stroke of luck, the classes of UA High were given a vacation to an island, and, thanks to AllMight, you were given special access to a really nice hotel.

"Ugh. So damn late," a familiar voice said. You stopped in front of one of the second to last doors on the third floor. "I hate flying and jet lag and all that crap." Yup that was definitely Bakugou.

"Bakugou, it's only eight. Don't you want to hang out a bit before bed?" The familiar voice of Kirishima asked. You could hear Bakugou scoff.

"Tch, no way! I gotta sleep. I'm so exhausted." Bakugou complained.

"Oh come on man! I brought Smash Bros." Kirishima said. You felt like now would be a good time to make yourself known. You opened the door, gaining the attention of your fellow classmate.

"Um, excuse me. Sorry for the intrusion." You said, walking in and closing the door. Bakugou looked at you, wearing his normal scowl. Kirishima looked at you, and his eyes lit up, a bright smile crossing his face.

"Oh hey! Looks like out bunkmate showed up. You're [Y/N], right?" Kirishima asked, walking up to you. You smiled and nodded.

"Mhm. I'm [Y/N] [L/N]."

[Y/N] [L/N] of Class 1-A! Quirk; Elemental! [Y/N] is able to control the different elements of nature, Water, Earth, Fire, and Air! If their emotions get the best of them, they can get out of control with their quirk and cause some major damage!

Bakugou looked at you.

"Huh, you. I thought Sparky was our third roommate." Bakugou said. You shook your head.

"Nah. Mr. Aizawa said that he was with Sero and Shoji." You said. Bakugou hummed.

"Oh. Whatever then. Get in here. Just take your shoes off so you don't get the floor dirty." Bakugou said, looking away from you. You quickly took your shoes off, lining them up next to the boys'. Kirishima looked at you, smiling.

"You can have the bed by the window if you want. I wanted that one because I love the view, but you can have it." He said. You looked at him, slightly shocked.

"O-oh, are you sure? I don't want to take your spot." You said. Kirishima smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sure! Here, let me just move my blanket," he said, grabbing his blanket that was on the bed. "I'm sure Bokugou doesn't mind me taking the bed next to him." He said, placing his blanket on the bed next to Bokugou's. You smiled at Kirishima's kindness. He was much better than Bakugou was, but you were sure that Bakugou had his moments. You hadn't realized how heavy your suitcase was until you tried to lift it to place it on your bed. Kirishima looked over, hearing you struggle slightly. "Oh, jeez. Your suitcase looks kinda heavy. Here, let me help you." He walked over and grabbed it for you, despite your protests. With a little bit of struggle, Kirishima lifted your suitcase onto your bed. "And, there you go!" Kirishima said. You smiled at him.

"Thank you." You said, smiling at your classmate. The red head smiled back. Bakugou growled and looked at Kirishima.

"Oi, Stupid Hair, clean all your stuff up. It's all over the floor. Why'd you bring so much stuff? We're only here for the week you idiot." Bokugou grumbled. Kirishima walked over to the bed.

"I will, I will. I'm still sorting through my clothes and you forgot to bring your dress clothes for the Gala so I had to bring extra." Kirishima said. Bakugou scoffed.

Stay By Our Side: Kirishima x Reader x Bakugou: Poly RelationshipWhere stories live. Discover now